Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
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ATT, ATTG and charging the battery
In the previous section proposed a new method of separation of charges and some devices based on this effect. Here we will continue this topic, but as a plug-in to ATT the device will use battery (AKM). Also, try to improve the scheme of charge separation.
Immediately it should be noted that the subjects of the test will not be suitable for all battery types. Good show lead-acid — they are relatively quick to readjust to the new workout routine. The author worked well in this mode, the ACME "MC404 MastAK 4V 400mAh" or similar — "MC425 MastAK 4V 2500mAh". But for lithium or lithium-ion ACME, apparently, there is bad work. Furthermore, in this scheme it is better to take AKM with small capacity (for larger tanks need a more powerful scheme). The second important point — after rebuilding and charging such AKM, though not to be afraid of a short circuit but the current will give a small. It will work, for example, in circuits with led lighting.
The scheme of charge separation (ATT) is fully parsed in the previous section, and here, in Fig. 1 shows various options for connecting to it.
Варианты подключение аккумулятора к устройству разделения зарядов
Fig.1. Options connect the GB1 battery to the device charge separation and ATT ATTG
In scheme 1a instead of the capacitor connected to the AKM, but in the scheme 1b is additionally connected to ground. I must say that in circuits with a grounded preferably to the ATT powered by the battery or to the power supply for this circuit was unleashed with the ground. The same applies to the following diagram 1c, where to ground the ferrite core of coil L1. In this case, the scheme works more efficiently. Because the core consists of two separate cups, then the ground only needs one of them. We call this separation of charges ATTG. Scheme of connecting of the AKM in this case does not change (Fig. 1d).
Charging AKM on 4-12V generator G1 should give at the output a sinusoidal voltage amplitude of approximately 15-20V. It is very important that the frequency of this oscillator exactly matches the resonant frequency of the loop L1C1. This point can be controlled by the maximum luminescence is located near the XS1 indicator field, such as this. Diodes for fork Avramenko (VD1-VD4), in this case, you can apply the low-power but high — 1N4148, or ultrafast — UF4007, UF4008.
Restructuring and training of the battery
Charging AKM new charges, it must first fully discharge, and then connect one of the presented schemes in Fig. 1. If AKM is old and has a large internal resistance, then at the beginning of the charging voltage may exceed the rated several times — this is normal. In any case, the restructuring of the AKM, depending on its capacity, can take from a day to several days. During this period, the voltage at the ACME or jumping up and down, apparently by rearranging its internal structure. But then the voltage across it gradually stabiliziruemost, all the time approaching the nominal, indicating that the AKM was rebuilt to a new mode of charging. We introduce the symbol-charged so battery — AKMR.
Such restructuring is carried out to AKM one time and subsequent charges such electricity he will enter the operating mode. The charging time may be from 10 to 24 hours susisiekti the capacity of the battery. It should be noted that the active power ATT almost not consumed.
Rapid discharge of AKMR
This method is rapid discharge is suitable only for AKMR on the AKM, charged in the usual way, it would have no impact. This discharge is 10-100 times less time than charging, and in the old AKM with high internal resistance, this time can be as little as 15-30 seconds.
Варианты схем для быстрой разрядки аккумулятора
Fig.2. The design options for the rapid discharge of the battery GB1
As you can see, for fast discharge, it is sufficient to connect the acmr to the output of ATT without diodes. In the AKM, obviously, occur at approximately the same processes as in the demagnetization of tube screens cathode ray tubes an alternating magnetic field. As the antenna WA1 is possible to use a piece of wire with a length of 1-2m. If the same method is used with earthing, the power supply ATT needs to be well isolated from the ground. By the way, similar processes have been observed by the author in this experience.
The power generator on the AKMR
Charging the battery way AKMR, outputs small currents and therefore is not afraid of short circuit. This lack, he makes up for his other property — fast charging capacitors connected to his conclusions.
Схема генератора энергии на АКМР
Fig.3. Diagram of the generator energy for the AKMR
The mechanism for this behavior has yet to be explored, but to use this feature, you can now :)
Oscillator circuit appears very simple (Fig. 3) first time charging of the capacitor C1 from AKMR GB1, and the second moment of the discharge of this capacitor on a resistive load Rn. Switching is performed by switch SW1. The paradox is that the load is connected directly to the GB1 will not give as much energy as it can give the switching of the capacitor in Fig. 3.
The values of the elements of this scheme and switching frequency can vary depending on the capacity of AKM. Also, you will have to choose the optimal load Rn. The capacitor C1 plays an important role, so its selection should be given special attention. The recommendations can suggest the following: the maximum voltage should be 10, but better — 100 times more work, the leakage current is minimal. Best suited capacitors of high reactive power.
The materials used
  1. Spintronics