Some patterns of obtaining a radiant. At this stage in the development of alternative science, the radiant means many of its manifestations: spin separation of charges, displacement current and static electricity with electric field vector perpendicular to the conductor, second magnetic field and longitudinal wave, cold current and positron energy. Moreover, the positron, in this case, is not an electronic antiparticle, but an electron with a positive, or less negative, charge. It is believed that this term was first introduced by Nikola Tesla, who worked a lot with radiant energy, devoted some of his patents to it [1-2], but did not leave us an exact definition of this phenomenon. . In this work, we will show how you can get a manifestation of this unusual energy in your laboratory, using a relatively inexpensive and affordable modern element base, due to which such experiments became possible. For example, a piece of ordinary copper wire, a high-speed Schottky diode and a mosfet transistor will be used as a radiant source. By transforming the scheme of the experiment, we get the famous radiant "Bedini impulses" [3], to which measuring equipment reacts unusually, and which can effectively charge batteries. Also, here we will see some regularities in the operation of such schemes, which will allow us to look at this phenomenon from a more general position and, perhaps they will help in the long term to calculate free energy generators in an academic way. . Some modern researchers argue that ordinary copper wire can work like a whole power plant, because it contains a huge number of free electrons. And, if they are properly organized, then you can get additional energy directly from copper or any other metal. It is interesting that in our installation we will receive all the effects using a piece of copper wire , on the length and other data of which many output parameters of the circuit will depend. In Figure 1a, such a wire is shown as an inductance L0, but in essence it is not one in this circuit. L0 is more reminiscent of Tesla's U-shaped bus, by applying pulses from the arrester to it, the experimenter made the light bulbs connected to it glow [4]. In our installation according to schemes 0 and 0, as such a bus, a piece of thick copper wire 0 cm long and 0 mm in diameter along the core will be used. Dependence on different conductor length will be shown below. .