Scalar energy in the service of humanity
On July 10, 1932, Nikola Tesla announced the discovery of a new type of energy, which he called "cosmic rays" or "radiant energy" [1].
Based on this discovery, he proposed several methods for its utilization, which have come down to our days in the form of his patents, for example, "US Patents" No. 685958, No. 685957 or No. 514168.
Tesla believed that the energy he discovered differed from traditional types in its unusual properties:
a propagation speed exceeding the speed of light,
an inversely proportional dependence of the field weakening on distance,
increased permeability through metals, etc.
We must pay tribute to Ampere, who also pointed out the possibility of the existence of such energies and the longitudinal waves they form [2].
Unfortunately, the scientific world "forgot" about these works for several decades, since these waves and the fields they formed were not suitable for either Maxwell's equations [3] or for the general concept of the development of science.
Maxwell only introduced the displacement current in the third version of his equations, which, as it turned out later, is the basis for the appearance of a scalar field and the corresponding longitudinal waves.
However, this field itself was never included in electrodynamics textbooks.
# | Current | Field | Waves |
1 | Conduction current | First (vortex) magnetic field | Transverse waves | 2 | Displacement current | Second (scalar) magnetic field | Longitudinal waves |
In the 1970s, Soviet scientist G.V. Nikolaev [4] rediscovered this type of energy through the discovery of the second or scalar magnetic field (SMF).
Through experiments and tests, he proved its existence [5], and later showed theoretically that Maxwell's equations can be expanded to include a new component [6].
A.K. Tomilin generalized these well-known equations even more in his work [7], from which, in particular, it follows that the non-stationary SMF is a source or drain of the electric field.
This corresponds to the experimental data of some free energy researchers who use this effect in their installations.
For example, Konstantin and Stanislav Avramenko in 1993-1994 described the principle and patented the transmission of energy along a single wire using longitudinal waves [8, 9].
Fuel-free generators are just one of the ways to use SMF, the second, no less important, is medicine.
Nikolaev also noted that SMF interacts not only with metals and dielectrics, but also with biological objects [10].
To understand these processes, we must remember that any cell has its own surface negative charge,
and it is most pronounced in erythrocytes - red blood cells, whose task is to supply oxygen to the tissues of the entire body and remove carbon dioxide.
The charge is formed on the surface of the erythrocyte due to their lipid layer.
According to Wikipedia, "approximately a quarter of all cells in the human body are erythrocytes" [11].
To move through the thinnest capillaries, they must have good fluidity (a characteristic of a liquid that is the inverse of viscosity),
and for this, erythrocytes must repel each other quite strongly.
This is where their negative charge helps, because as is known, like-charged bodies repel each other:
the greater the charge, the better the fluidity (to a certain extent).
As a result of poor ecology, poor-quality food, alcohol and other harmful factors, erythrocytes lose their charge and partially stick together, forming various pathologies in the body.
According to some data, SMF can increase and restore this charge.
When interacting with metal, SMF increases the number of free charges in it, in a living cell - its negative charge, and in erythrocytes - their fluidity.
All this leads to an increase in the energy of a specific organ of the body in the place where the SMF works, which is reliably recorded by the Kirlian apparatus [12].
On this basis, we have developed a healing scalar coil.
Planetary Capacitor
The Earth's surface and the ionosphere form a planetary capacitor, in which about 50-100 lightning bolts are discharged per second, each of which generates huge displacement currents,
and therefore - powerful scalar waves covering our entire planet.
The fundamental frequency of these waves is about 7.8 Hz or slightly higher, which corresponds to the Alpha rhythm of our brain.
It is called the resonant Schumann frequency and is found by dividing the speed withthe length of the Earth's circumference.
That is, it is the reciprocal of the time it takes for a longitudinal wave to go around our planet.
More detailed information about this can be obtained from the researcher DG.
In essence, our planet in this case acts as a huge resonator, isolating this frequency and its harmonics (modes).
The speed of the wave's flight can vary within small limits depending on the state of the atmosphere, which means that the Schumann frequency also fluctuates a little.
When solar activity changes, the state of the planet's atmosphere changes, which leads to a small change in this resonant frequency.
Since the rhythms of our brain and the rhythms of the planet are connected through a scalar field, all people feel these changes to varying degrees.
Especially when solar activity becomes high, and especially weather-sensitive people.
Also, all these changes affect animals and plants, but to a proportionally lesser extent.
It is known that the energy balance of birds making long-distance flights clearly does not add up.
For example, a duck weighing 3 kilograms and making a flight of 2000 kilometers would have to burn 18 kg of fat.
Even if we take into account modern data on the so-called vortex paths, this balance still cannot add up.
In our opinion, additional feeding of birds comes from the planetary capacitor filled with scalar energy.
All living beings on our planet are fed by this energy.
And all these patterns are connected, oddly enough, with the electric charge familiar to us all.
The influence of planets and stars
The influence of the planets of our solar system on each other through the gravitational field is extremely small.
Rather, here we can talk about the relationship of these forces between a specific planet and the Sun.
From this it is quite possible to understand the skepticism of scientists who deny Astrology as a science.
It is quite another matter when the mutual influence concerns charges located in the mantle of other planets and stars.
Their Coulomb forces are many orders of magnitude greater than gravitational forces, however, their electric fields are considered compensated.
But since planets tend to rotate around their axis, as well as around their star, then, relative to the Earth, their charges acquire acceleration,
which, in turn, causes the appearance of a second magnetic field around them.
How this field arises when a charge accelerates, read here.
It is interesting that our planet's own SMF has a minimal effect on us, since the charges in the Earth's mantle and in its atmosphere are at rest relative to us.
But the SMF from other planets and stars induces in our body, although small, but having an effect on our nervous system, an electric charge.
And now, knowing this, look at Astrology from a completely different side :)
Scalar Field Mathematics
An electric charge that changes over time has the ability to induce static electricity on surrounding objects, both on metals and on dielectrics, and not only on them, but also in them.
The metal pushes such charges outward, onto its surface, which is why it begins to “beat with current”, and a charge for a dielectric can appear inside it.
The human body can be considered such a partial dielectric.
A charge can appear if a current flows nearby (for example, a conductor with current), and the current itself quickly changes over time. Example: alternating current.
And the higher the frequency of its change, the greater the charge that can appear.
This fact is observed by all radio engineers and they even come up with special protection against static electricity for their devices, pushing the essence of this phenomenon into the background.
Nikolaev and Tomilin proposed to describe this phenomenon by the following regularity [6]:
\[ div\, E = {dB^{*} \over dt} \tag{1}\]
where \(div E\) is the divergence of the electric field strength,
\(B^{*}\) is the induction of the SMF, \(t\) is time.
We propose to “dig deeper” and look for the origins of this phenomenon, starting with the electric charge \(q\).
If we take into account our model, we can trace its evolution: charge - current - magnetic field - charge,
which is presented in this work.
From it we obtain formulas (2.20-2.21), by which we can calculate this cycle.
But we would be interested to know the amount of charge arising at some distance from the conductor with current.
In our opinion, this can be calculated as follows:
\[ q = - {\mu\varepsilon \over 2\pi c^2} \iiint \limits_V {\partial H \over \partial t} dV \tag{2}\]
where \(H\) is the strength of the vortex magnetic field, \(V\) is the volume of the body through which this field passes (in the case of a person, the volume of the human body).
From this formula it follows that the charge will be greater, the greater the frequency or rate of increase of the magnetic field, and the greater the volume of the body.
Also, the amount of charge depends on the relative magnetic and permittivity.
We can assume that for the human body, the relative magnetic permeability is equal to one, and the permittivity will be several units.
It remains to find the magnetic field in the volume of the body and the rate of its change.
Materials used
- Nikola Tesla's Radiant Energy System.
- Nikolaev G.V. Experimental paradoxes of electrodynamics.
- Wikipedia. Maxwell's Equations.
- Nikolaev G.V. Consistent electrodynamics. Theories, experiments, paradoxes. – Tomsk, 1997. -144 p.
- YouTube. Second magnetic field.
- G.V. Nikolaev. Electrodynamics of physical vacuum.
- Tomilin A.K. Generalized electrodynamics. [PDF]
- New Energy News, Aug 1994: "Solid State Space-Energy Generator" by Stanislav and Konstantin Avramenko.
- The Russian patent: PCT/GB93/00960, May 10th, 1993 by Stanislav and Konstantin Avramenko.
- YouTube. Healing scalar field.
- Wikipedia. Red blood cells.
- Medical Academy of Spiritual Development "MADRA". About the Kirlian method: [site EN], [site RU]