Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
All articles/Inductor
The technological process of assembling the therapeutic coil
Compact version
The process of assembling the device start directly from the coils L1, L2. Varnished wire length of 1.8 m and a diameter of 1-1.1 mm of the wound turn to turn on a pen or pencil (8mm diameter). The resulting sausage is stretchable along length 17cm — this is the length of the coil. Measure out two pieces cambrica length of 17.5 cm and one of them put on the sausage and heated. After shrinkage of the sleeve should tightly cover the sausage. The initial diameter at Cambria d. b. — 16mm, shrinkage — twice.
On top of the wound second layer (coil L2) wire 0.55-0.65 mm. Winding d. b. with small gaps, for subsequent bending of the sausage. The top also fits over the sleeve and heated to shrink. While the design is still hot, it needs to be bent in a horseshoe and leave it to cool. After that, the design of the coil remains in a horseshoe form, which we need.
Brazed chain VD1HL1 and VD2HL2. The total length of the structure dB. a little more than a length of sausage to be able freely to its conclusions podatsa. Solder the ends of the coil L2 with the chain. Remove the LEDs inside the sausage. The whole process is graphically depicted in the following figure:
On the winding
The winding coils L1 and L2 is counterclockwise (figure B). To determine the direction is quite simple: you need to look at the end of the coil, and to make winding counterclockwise.
Oscillator circuit
Next, soldered the oscillator circuit. To do this, take a standard fee 2cm*8cm, cut in half. One such Board is enough to build two generators. On one half of the Board mounted parts and solder them according to the concept. The card has two standard holes, they then will need to use for threading and fastening the ends of the coil L1. The Assembly process is depicted in the following figures:
Transistor VT1 — КТ315А (analogs — 2N2712, 2SC633, BFP719). All capacitors are ceramic, preferably with the lowest loss tangent at a voltage of below 100V. Note the two parallel connected capacitor C4, C5 is not an error, and circuit design; they stabilize the operation of the generator. Inductor L3 standard 220 µh. Diodes VD1, VD2 — UF4007, LEDs HL1, HL2 — any-volt, usually there are such red.
Use standard switch box for four AA-batteries (AA). The middle partition is removed and the two contact strips connected to the circuit formed of the two end batteries. In the space formed collected previously put the cost of the generator and drill in box two holes for terminals of the inductor L1. Vent same otverstiyami on the Board. They threaded the ends of L1 and soldered with the terminals of the generator.
If done correctly, then after switching on, the device starts to work immediately. This is indicated by a bright glow LEDs HL1, HL2. Trimmer R1 setting the current consumption of the circuits in the 30-35mA.
The oscilloscope can measure voltages at the test points: the amplitude of the sinusoidal voltage at the collector of VT1 should be about 4-5V and to be shifted relative to the base 90 degrees. On the coil L2, between points 1 and 2 (the scheme), the amplitude of the voltage should be 7-9V, and the shape of the signal needs to represent cropped the top and bottom of the sine wave. Frequency, depending on the number of turns in coil L2 can be 800-1000 kHz; oscillator adjusted to the coil.
The whole build process again