Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
Bio-frequency → Foot and mouth syndrome
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Name Foot and mouth syndrome
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 232, 237, 1214, 1243, 1244, 1271, 5411
DescriptionA mild viral infection found in young children but may also be a factor in ALS.

Foot and mouth disease (Aphtae epizooticae) is an acute zoonotic infectious disease of the viral etiology, characterized by fever, symptoms of intoxication, aphthous lesions of the oral mucosa, end phalanx skin, and interdigital folds of the hands and feet. Pathogen disease Etiology. Foot and mouth disease in humans was first described in 1764. The viral etiology of the disease was established by Leffler in 1897. The causative agent of foot and mouth disease refers to picorn viruses; small (20-30 nm in diameter) RNA-containing virus, which has a high virulence and pronounced dermatotropy. According to the antigenic structure, the foot and mouth disease virus is divided into 7 serotypes, each of which has a large number of variants (subtypes — more than 60). It is well cultivated on developing chick embryos, tissue cultures. The virus is highly stable in the external environment, it tolerates drying and freezing well, it persists for a long time in manure, infected raw products. The causative organism perishes at boiling and under direct sunlight.

Epidemiology. Foot and mouth disease is a zoonotic infection. The source of infection and a reservoir is cattle, less often pigs, sheep, goats, reindeer, camels and other artiodactyls. Diseases of animals are observed in all countries, mainly in the form of an epizootic. From diseased animals, the pathogen is excreted with saliva, milk, urine and feces. Mechanisms of transmission: fecal-oral, contact, drip. Transmission paths. Infection often occurs by eating — by using raw dairy products. During the care of sick animals, a contact and everyday way of infection is possible, there are rare cases of airborne infection. Susceptibility to foot and mouth disease is relatively low. Morbidity. In humans, foot and mouth disease occurs in the form of sporadic cases, children are more often ill. Disease from man to man is not transmitted. Immunity after disease is a species-specific, persistent
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