Bio-frequency → Endolimax nana HC (trophozoites and cysts)

The main program | |
Name | Endolimax nana HC (trophozoites and cysts) |
Frequencies by Rife, Hz | One of the frequencies or sequentially: 19715.68, 981.59, 21508.01, 1070.82 |
Description | TrophozoitesThese are unicellular structures that can affect any cells of humans and animals except for erythrocytes. After penetration into the cell, the parasite intensively multiplies by division, which leads either to the formation of a tissue cyst (with the normal functioning of the immune system), or to the destruction of the host cell and the development of the symptoms of the disease (with a weakened immune system). Freezing, thawing, drying and normal gastric secrets (pepsin, hydrochloric acid) are fatal for trophozoite.Tissue cystsTissue cyst is, as a matter of fact, an accumulation of a large number of trophozoites (sometimes up to 3000), enclosed inside the shell. Toxoplasmosis is transmitted by carnivorous, including humans, by eating tissue cysts that are contained in large quantities in raw or insufficiently thermally processed meat. Digestive enzymes contained in gastric and intestinal juices destroy the cyst wall and release viable microorganisms, which then enter the mucosa of the digestive tract and spread throughout the host's body. Tissue cysts can be found in any organ, but are most often found in the brain, heart and skeletal muscles. They remain viable throughout the life of the host organism (latent infection), providing tense specific non-sterile immunity. With the weakening of the host's immune system, the presence of tissue cysts in his body leads to the development of an acute form of the disease. Freezing meat (up to -20 C) and thawing, heating above +60 C, as well as drying destroy tissue cysts |
![]() | This program can be heard in the bioresonance frequency synthesizer. To do this, just connect the audio equipment or headphones to the audio output of your computer or smartphone |
![]() | Individual selection of healing frequencies |
Vitamins for health |
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