Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
Bio-frequency → Jaundice
The main program
Name Jaundice
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 5000, 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 802, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 146, 250, 125, 95, 72, 20
DescriptionIt is a set of symptoms, including a yellow color of the skin, mucous membranes and eye proteins due to the accumulation of bilirubin in them
InstructionsSee also Liver support, gallbladder, Leptospirosis, and Parasites fluke and general frequency sets
Additional programs
NameLeptospirosis (a spirochete bacterial disease that is spread to humans through animal urine that can cause meningitis, jaundice, anemia, miscarriage, and death)
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 612, 663
NameLeptospira interrogans HC
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 19865.04, 989.02
NameParasites flukes sheep liver
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 826, 830, 834
NameParasites flukes pancreatic 1
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 1850, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2050, 2080, 6578
NameParasites flukes lymph
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 10050, 157
NameParasites flukes liver
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 143, 275, 676, 763, 238, 6641, 6672
NameParasites flukes intestinal (2127/2128*)
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 524, 651, 676, 844, 848, 854, 2128, 2008, 2084, 2150, 6766
NameParasites flukes general short set
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 524, 854, 651
NameParasites flukes general (pancreatic, liver, and intestinal)
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 6766, 6672, 6641, 6578, 2150, 2128, 2082, 2013, 2008, 2003, 2000, 1850, 945, 854, 846, 830, 763, 676, 651, 524, 435, 275, 142
NameParasites flukes blood
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 847, 867, 329, 419, 635, 7391, 5516, 9889
NameParasites general short set
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 20, 64, 72, 96, 112, 120, 152, 651, 732, 1360, 2720, 10000
NameParasites general comprehensive
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 10000, 5000, 4412, 2720, 2400, 2112, 1864, 1550, 1360, 880, 854, 800, 784, 751, 732, 728, 712, 688, 651, 644, 524, 465, 442, 422, 334, 240, 152, 128, 125, 120, 112, 96, 72, 64, 20
NameParasites general alternative v
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 4122, 1522, 967, 942, 854, 829, 827, 749, 741, 732, 633, 605, 604, 591, 524, 422, 411, 344, 172, 102
NameParasites general 2
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 10000, 3176, 1998, 1865, 1840, 880, 800, 780, 770, 740, 728, 727, 690, 665, 660, 465, 444, 440, 125, 120, 95, 80, 72, 47
NameParasites general 1
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 4412, 2400, 2112, 1862, 1550, 800, 732, 728, 712, 688, 676, 644, 422, 128, 120
NameE coli mutant strain
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 556, 934, 1242, 1244, 1703, 632, 634, 776
NameE coli HC
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 17724.2, 19566.32, 974.15, 882.44
NameE coli comp
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 7849, 7847, 1730, 1722, 1712, 1703, 1552, 1550, 1320, 1244, 1242, 1000, 957, 934, 856, 840, 832, 804, 802, 800, 799, 776, 642, 634, 632, 556, 548, 539, 413, 358, 333, 330, 327, 289, 282
NameE coli 1 (recommended for cancer adjunct)
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 7847, 1730, 1712, 1244, 1000, 934, 856, 840, 800, 776, 642, 634, 556, 539, 358, 330
NameE coli (Escherichia coli; can cause infections in wounds and the urinary tract. If using these leads to common cold symptoms, follow with Adenovirus freqs, 800/802*, 1550/1552*)
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 7849, 7847, 1730, 1722, 1552, 1550, 1320, 1244, 1000, 957, 934, 856, 840, 832, 804, 802, 800, 799, 776, 642, 634, 556, 548, 413, 333, 330, 327, 289, 282
NameLiver support (also try E coli, Parasites general and Parasites flukes general)
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 33.13, 1552, 802, 751, 331.3
Listen to the programThis program can be heard in the bioresonance frequency synthesizer. To do this, just connect the audio equipment or headphones to the audio output of your computer or smartphone
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