Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
All articles/Energy ideas
Jump-a method of increasing the efficiency of the second kind
Method is available for joint patenting

In this paper we propose the idea of another way to increase the efficiency of the second kind\eta_{2}. It is based on an abrupt change in the capacitance of the capacitor due to mechanical primemenie movable dielectric environment.

As is known, the charge of the capacitor is not stored on its plates, and dielectric [1]. Also known formula of the potential energy of the capacitor [2]:
W = \frac {Q^2} {2 \, C}
where: Q is the charge of the capacitor, C is its capacity. Therefore, to increase the potential energy W needed for the same charge to reduce the capacitance of the capacitor. School experience with a moving apart of the plates from a charged Leyden jars amply demonstrate this effect. But in this experiment, the mechanical energy of the sliding plates is exactly equal to the increase — kulonovskie the force of gravity make its job.
The idea of the proposed method lies in the longitudinal capacitance change when the Coulomb force resistance is not involved. The following figure depicts this method. It shows:
  • 1 — motor with blades;
  • 2 — the capacitor C_1, with a gap between its plates d_1 and movable dielectric medium as a dielectric;
  • 3 — DC voltage source;
  • 4 — insulator;
  • 5 — the capacitor C_2, with a gap between its plates — d_2;
  • 6 — load.
Jump-метод увеличения КПД второго рода
The capacitor C_1 is supplied a constant high voltage V, which charges the dielectric medium between its plates. Blade motor moves the movable charged layer in the dielectric space of the capacitor C_2. According to the above formula displays the zoom factor \eta_{2} — gain of potential energy:
K_{\eta2} = \frac {C_1} {C_2} = \frac {d_2^2} {d_1^2},
which is removed in the load. The formula is calculated for rectangular plates and for the ideal case, which does not account for losses. From the block scheme immediately visible such as edge effects at the transition of the dielectric from C_1 to C_2, which can be minimized by reducing the vortices arising at such transitions, as well as alignment of the load with internal resistance of the voltage source. In addition, you need to consider the cost of mechanical movement of the dielectric, which, however, should be relatively small. It is expected that a more efficient mode of energy extraction will pulse when the load is connected to C_2 equal intervals of time with high duty cycle.
Some of the shortcomings of the first scheme can be corrected if you put the high voltage plate of the capacitor inside of a common plate with zero potential, and due to the same plate to produce an increase in the gap (reduction of capacity) in the second capacitor. In addition, in this design, the device work is safe to use. This option is depicted in the figure below.
Jump-метод увеличения КПД второго рода. Второй вариант

As the author suggests, the optimal design is such that when the outer and inner plates of the condenser form a cross-section of the ring, ie basically two cylindrical capacitor with a common external plate of different diameter.

The total capacity of the device will be determined by the supply voltage, dielectric constant of the medium in capacitors, the area of the plates, and flow rate. In this regard, except for the use of gas dielectrics having a dielectric constant of order unity, could be interesting the use of fluids. For example, deionized water [3] has acceptable conductivity is 1.8*107 (Om*m) and dielectric permittivity — 34.5 [4], allowing to considerably reduce the voltage and increase the efficiency of the entire installation.