Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
Bio-frequency → Bunion pain
The main program
Name Bunion pain
Frequencies by Rife, HzFrequency: 20
DescriptionWearing tight shoes can not be called the cause of bursitis, but this aggravates and speeds up the process of its development. That is why the disease is more likely to affect women who prefer to walk on high heels. When wearing such shoes, the load on the foot increases several times.

With the development of bursitis of the thumb, it deviates from the midline of the body to the side, which is opposite to the rest of the fingers. As a result, the bulging of the bone and the development of the "cone" occur.

Tightening shoes make the pathological friction and pressure on it. Skin covers react to this by the appearance of calluses, the soft tissues under it are thickened, inflamed and become painful. In the group of risk — ballerinas, who by their profession should often stand on their toes.

Age can also be called a risk factor. The number of deformations is determined by age: up to thirty years it occurs only in three percent of people, by the age of sixty this indicator is increased to sixteen percent. There is a definite value genetic predisposition to deformation of the foot
Listen to the programThis program can be heard in the bioresonance frequency synthesizer. To do this, just connect the audio equipment or headphones to the audio output of your computer or smartphone
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