Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
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Distribution of magnetic fields in a Tesla bifilar coil
This Appendix provides a study of the bifilar coil Tesla from the patent US512340 [1] on the subject of magnetic field distribution under condition of occurrence in it of the magnetic slow waves (MMV). The circuit of this coil classic: the key to mosfet-transistor is controlled by the driver and acts as a switch voltage, and the control pulses at the latest with any generator. An example of a schema. Surveillance is conducted on one of the surfaces of the coil. On the second there is a similar picture, but with opposite signs.
Бифилярная катушка Тесла из патента US 512340
Fig.1. Bifilar coil Tesla from the US patent 512340
Распределение пучностей продольной и поперечной составляющей МП в бифилярной катушке
Fig.2. The distribution of the loops of the longitudinal and transverse component of the MP in the bifilar coil (cross-section C-C)
The distribution of the magnetic field in the bifilar Tesla coil is different from the same — in a conventional coil. But here we can observe some similarities: the parallel component of the magnetic field H is a full wave distribution, and the perpendicular component H — half wave. These studies were carried out with a coil wound around a copper conductor. With ferromagnetic wire, the picture may be slightly different.
Following the bifilar coil, which we will explore wound pair wire. These pairs form two planes superimposed on one another (two pancakes). Their connection is the same as in figure 1: the end of the first pair is connected with the beginning of the second. The distribution pattern MP shown in figure 4 and differs little from figure 2, with the exception of more prominent center on the graph of the perpendicular component of the MP. Apparently, the combination of several bifilar coil enhances the uniformity of distribution of the magnetic field.
Бифилярная катушка из двух блинов
Fig.3. Bifilar coil of two pancakes
Распределение пучностей продольной и поперечной составляющей МП в бифилярной катушке из двух блинов
Fig.4. The distribution of the loops of the longitudinal and transverse component of MP in bifilar coil of two pancakes