Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
All articles/Inductor
The study of some phenomena of magnetic permeability of ferromagnetic materials
To do these studies, I have led some of the unusual effects shown by the seekers of free energy in the videos, as well as electrical diagrams, which are presumably achieved super performance. For a clear understanding of the processes taking place in the coil core, the inductance of which varies from passing it current, I initially was developed by the theoretical background, based on the classical theory of electrical circuits. On their basis was created a specialized calculatorthat allows you to find the dependence of magnetic permeability of the core is \(\mu\) on the magnetic field \(H\), passing through the coil. Calculations of the calculator allow to draw interesting conclusions about the efficiency of real devices, and to find the optimum modes of operation focusing on the potentially achievable energy gain \(K_{\eta 2}\). Based on the instructions that follow, you will be able to conduct research of their ferromagnetic cores, and independently verify some unusual effects and a small, but important to efficiency, deviations from the classical theory.
Stand for research of
Measurements were made stand consisting of a generator of sinusoidal oscillations MHS-5200A, amp WOOFER, low resistance of the resistance R1 and the two multimeters in the measurement mode AC voltage. For all its virtues MHS-5200A generates a pretty weak signal on the output, so, for our purposes, it requires an additional amplifier, which we will discuss next. You can use any other generator, it is important only that he was giving at the output a sinusoidal signal. If he would be even with a powerful output, then the amplifier is not required, and the next step you can skip.
If you have the necessary detail, the amplifier circuit is going an hour and requires no further configuration. From the list of analog circuits most suitable was TDA7056Bthat has a full bridge output, single-supply, easy connection, maximum operating frequency — 300kHz, acceptable THD and output power of the order of 5W. The following diagram, it is designated as DA1; on the Board it should be attached a small heatsink.
Схема НЧ усилителя на TDA7056 Плата НЧ усилителя на TDA7056
Variable resistor R1 is regulated by the amplitude of the output signal. Input XS1 is supplied, a DC voltage of 18V is the maximum value on your passport chip. XS2 is the input signal from the generator, XS3 output to the load. It should be noted that instead of the chip TDA7056B can be used the previous version TDA7056A, but it will reduce the upper limit of the measuring range, since its power output is slightly less. Generally speaking, with such amplifier you can measure the core cross section of the magnetic circuit to 100..120mm2, for large cross sections will require a amplifier for more power. But for our purposes it will be enough.
Thus, the General scheme of the measuring stand will be like this:
Измерительный стенд для исследования магнитной проницаемости
It presents: G1 is a generator of sinusoidal signals, A1 is the amplifier described above, R1 is the resistance of the 7.5..8 ohms (5W), two multimeter (in the measurement mode AC voltage) and the transformer on a ferrite core with two windings L1 and L2.
The measurements are performed in the following way. The slider of the resistor R1 of the amplifier is set to the middle position, and the output voltage of the generator is minimized by 0.2 V. by Gradually increasing the alternator voltage — 0.1 V — a recorded testimony of the first and second multimeter in the table calculator. Previously in this table need to fill out the main fields: the oscillator frequency, the number of turns in L1 and L2, the resistance value R1 on the stand and the geometrical parameters of the core. As soon as the alternator voltage is over 1.8 V, again to reduce it to 0.2 volts and slider R1 — Unscrew to the maximum position (maximum amplification). By the way, gradually increase the voltage U1 can be another way: to set the output voltage in the generator for 1.8 (the more the amp will start to distort the signal) and a resistor R1 continuously changed U1. In the latter case, R1 should be multi-turn.
If the calculator switch to the mode "Schedule", then the program will automatically draw the graphs of the two dependencies is \(\mu(H)\) and \(M(I)\). Latest — you will need to select the mode of operation of the actual device current (\(I\)). Also, we are interested in the value of the ratio of the increment of energy \(K_{\eta 2}\) computed by this calculator.