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Some types of transformers and short pulses. These experiments are intended to show some unusual effects with the already classic Tesla transformer and a conventional high-voltage transformer. Although in these experiments we will not directly use , but without the participation of this phenomenon is difficult to explain some of them. In all experiments we will use the same but with different parameters. It is well-proven for its reliability and stable operation in critical conditions. .
In the diagrams this generator is denoted as GG0 . His task is an intermittent short circuit of primary windings of different transformers, provide high speed and high voltage output switch of the generator. Depending on the type of transformer and its load, we will obtain various effects, which will be considered further. . Load of two fluorescent lamps . A very unusual result of the use of the Tesla transformer obtained in fairly short pulse on its primary winding and use a fork Avramenko with fluorescent lamps in the secondary. The scheme of this experiment is shown in figure , where of short pulses GG0 periodically closes the circuit of the primary circuit TT , and its secondary winding, a hot end, which is loaded on two high-voltage diodes VD0-VD0, which, in turn, connected to two fluorescent lamps EL0-EL0 [1]. Cold lower end of the TT is connected to ground.
Note that on all future schemes, a point on the secondary winding will indicate high voltage output. . In this experiment a load worked lyuminestsentnym lamp FL T5D/21W with a diameter of 0 mm and a length of 0 cm [2]. As the diodes for a fork Avramenko VD0-VD0 used by Soviet КЦ109Г, but the fit and low-voltage diodes from microwave ovens . The voltage U0 need to set the order of 0-25 V, the oscillator frequency — about 0-25 kHz, the contact of the switch SW0 should be closed, and the handle of the resistor R0 is in the middle position. At the packet switches of the generator was found to be optimal for this scheme values: SA0 — "1111" and the SA0 is "0000". More optimal parameters, of course, need to pick up the individual TT. . It is important to contour the capacitor C0. It needs to have a sufficiently high value of reactive power, therefore, polypropylene and other tape capacitors will not work. The author used the capacity of brand FGT, AND [3], but other similar, such as a disk keramicheskiy KVI-3, K0-10 or К15У [4]. It is also necessary that the contacts of the capacitor connected directly to the primary winding TT0, and its capacity is exactly matched to its inductance. The oscillogram of the process can be seen in figure ; oscilloscope probe is located within easy reach of TT0. . The author has used TT with the following parameters . The primary winding consists of 0 turns of wire cross section of 0 sq. mm, and the parameters of the secondary winding of the following: Inside plastic pipe, is inserted a set of 0 of ferrite beads permeability 1500НМ. They are located at the bottom of the coil and capture the primary winding. It redistributes the pattern of currents and voltages in the TT, but increases the stability and efficiency. . Load — fluorescent lamp . This experience suggests the output GG0 classic high-voltage transformer . For this purpose the best suited transformer line scan from the Soviet TVs TVs-110ПЦ15, the Pinout of its findings is presented in figure .
But you can use another similar. Hereinafter, to produce the required effects, will involve the self-induction EMF in conjunction with the NMR copper wire windings of the transformer. . In this experiment a load worked one fluorescent lamp FL T5D/21W with a diameter of 0 mm and a length of 0 cm [2]. As the diode VD0 is used by the Soviet КЦ109Г, but low-current diode from microwave ovens . The voltage U0 need to set the order of 0-25 V, the oscillator frequency — about 0-25 kHz, the contact of the switch SW0 should be closed and resistor R0 is at max resistance. At the packet switches of the generator was found to be optimal for this scheme values: SA0 — 0 and SA0 — "0001". . Glow 0-watt bulb starts from 0 mW consumption from the power source U0, which can not but arouse interest. The brightness of the lamp can be carried out as a change in voltage and speed, using SA0. Also, possible inclusion of two series-connected fluorescent lamps; efficiency in this case increases slightly. . The waveform shows in figure , where the yellow beam — control pulses from GG0, and the green from the probe located near the anode of diode VD0. In these waveforms to assess the specific value of the voltage makes no sense, because here the only important form of pulses. . Load — led lamp . To obtain the effect of the scheme requires that the lamp EL0 was necessarily led, multi-led spirals, designed for voltage of 220V and power 0-4 watts (). This lamp represents the best of even the most minor manifestations of the radiant. VD0-VD0 best suited brand or , and the transformer is the same as in previous experience. . The voltage U0 need to install about 0-20 V, the oscillator frequency — about 0-30 kHz, the contact of the switch SW0 should be closed and resistor R0 is at max resistance. At the packet switches of the generator was found to be optimal for this scheme values: SA0 — 0 and SA0 — "0001". But in the process of experimentation you can find the best balance. . The capacitor C0 it is possible not to install, but noticed that in this case the efficiency of the device becomes a little less. Interestingly, the natural frequency TV0 does not depend on this capacity, up to values of 0 nF. . The effect itself appears when connecting the antenna AN0 to the anode of the diode VD0: if you found the correct mode, then this connection is the lamp glowing by 0-40% brighter without any significant increase in the total current consumption. The antenna may be a wire with a length of 0-4 meters, stretched at full length. . The oscillogram of the process is shown in figure , where the yellow-ray — excited impulses from GG0, and the green oscillations on the anode of the diode VD0. The dipstick is located near the anode, so look at specific stress values makes no sense, here the only important form of oscillation. . The load capacitor . Such a charge gives a slight energy boost , provided that the capacitor C0 non-polar, low leakage currents, and the charging process begins not with zero, but with 0 or more volts. Ie effect can be obtained, if the charge so the capacitor from 0 to 0 volts, and even better from 0 to 0 V. the Parameters VD0-VD0 diodes and the transformer are the same as in previous experience. The waveform on the high voltage output of the transformer TV0 shown in . .
. Insights. All the effects go beyond classical electrical engineering. The author believes that part of the phenomena is directly related to NMR and partial disposal of its extra energy. This is indirectly confirmed by a number of factors that always accompany this phenomenon: . As a result of these experiments was noted to improve the efficiency of energy output to the load. For example, in the case of Tesla transformer you can pick up an optimal variant of the windings to combine the wave and the LC resonance, and the impedance of the secondary winding is matched to the load. In the case of the high voltage transformer there is a need to optimize its parameters so that the capacity of the secondary winding has become as small as possible. Also, to increase the overall efficiency of the system according to the scheme can be, if you raise the threshold voltage on the capacitor C0, for example, up to 0: start charging with this value and discharge only to him. .  . . .
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