Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
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Short pulses, the bias currents and the unusual behavior of ferromagnetic materials. We continue a series with short pulses and an inductor, however, here we focus on the bias currents and the response of ferromagnetic cores for sufficiently short pulses, which will allow us to obtain new nonclassical effects. In this case we will use the ready , standard power supply, oscilloscope, three inductors and a few extra parts. . Further experiments will involve three different coils, with the specifications which can be found below. The first two — do not have secondary winding, and their connection to experiments, are reflected in the figures ; the third coil has the secondary winding and the connections will be made to it . .
. Below we give the main parameters of the inductance coils to be used in our experiments. Wire for winding all the coils have the same: copper, in the varnish insulation with a core diameter of 0 mm, but the wire parameters do not greatly affect the qualitative results of the subsequent experiments. . Coil number 0 on a ferrite ring. . Coil No. 0 on the core from a flyback high-voltage transformer . . Coil # 0 on a ferrite ring . . The impact of short pulse. For starters, check out the reaction of the coils on the impact of a relatively short pulse. In this case the active load is missing, and will be connected only to the oscilloscope OS0. His green beam connects to the shutter key generator GG0 and shows an exciting pulse, and a yellow beam, with a divider 0:100, is connected according to the diagram in figure . Oscillogram of the response of the coils is reflected in the photo . There is pulse frequency of impact and supply voltage . The duration of the excitation pulse everywhere — of the order of 0-200 NS, and the view of the waveform does not change, if the duration of the pulse to increase up to 0 µs. .
. It is interesting that the frequency of oscillation of the response is several times higher than the maximum operating frequency of ferrites. But the main inference to be drawn from these waveforms the response of the coil produces not sinusoidal. It svjazanno with nonlinear characteristic of magnetic permeability [1], and magnetic memory of ferromagnetic materials [2]. It is this property we will use in the future, but for now let's try to connect an active load for the respective schemes: the first two coil pattern , and the third pattern . We will measure the change in current in the power circuit ammeter I0, depending on its resistance. . Current consumption depends on the load. You can be sure that if the duration of the stimulating pulses is not more than 0 NS, the load does not affect the current consumption, and this pattern was observed in the widest range of supply voltages; from the author max U0 was 0 V. the Pattern sohranitsya up to the full short circuit HL0, in the case — even without the diode VD0, i.e., when the circuit of the secondary winding L0. . Thus, when we work only with the bias currents, we can achieve almost complete independence of the power consumption of the circuit from the load resistance. But if the bias currents, we still know little [3], the next experiment could be a revelation for many radio engineers :). Half the frequency response of the coil. Obviously, to obtain multiple harmonics in the response of the coil does not represent any difficulty, they work automatically even under normal excitation. And as to the response of the sub-harmonic, i.e. the frequency is a multiple of the smaller from the master? After all, sub-harmonics, which open up new energy possibilities in the field of electric transformation and it would be very good to learn how to get them. . Connect the inductor 0 with no load , will take her pulses with a frequency of 0 kHz, we choose the supply voltage and look at the waveform . As we can see, the coil gives oscillations with a frequency twice smallerthan the sets! But here, in contrast to classical resonance, we need to find the minimum of two parameters: which specifies the frequency and voltage. For example in this case, when the voltage U0 begins to appear to oscillate, is located between two adjacent, and if U0 = 0 V, the response becomes classical, i.e., the frequency response becomes equal to the nominal frequency. There is one caveat to this effect: when the optimal values of frequency and voltage, consumption current scheme is reduced . They also found that the optimum value of this frequency quite precisely corresponds to . .
. For coil No. 0 data of the resonance waveform shown in figure , the coil No. 0 figure . Recall that in the third coil of the oscilloscope is connected to the secondary winding . The duration of the excitation pulse may be in the range 0 NS to 0 µs, and is chosen individually for the coil. . Details. As mentioned above, the GG0 is a well — proven of short pulses in which the position of the switches exposed so: SA0 — "1111" and the SA0 is "0000". But generator. The diode VD0 — or , or other high-voltage ultrafast. Led matrix HL0 — parameters , or — like her. By the way, in these experiments instead of this matrix can be connected to any led, but it's better if its load capacity will be as high as possible. The capacitor C0 is any ceramic. The parameters of the coils has been presented above. . Insights. When exposed to a sufficiently short pulses to an inductor with a ferromagnetic core, we observed several effects. . 0. The response of the coil is a non-sinusoidal oscillation due to the nonlinearity of the permeability of the core strengths of the magnetic fields in it, and another feature of the magnetization. . 0. When the coils on the bias currents, which in these experiments was shown for the duration of the excitation pulse less than 0 NS, was observed almost complete independence of power consumption from the resistance of the load, up to its complete carotene. . To create converters based on this principle generators of short pulses with even more quality features for the duration of the front and bust, and the coils with low own and capacitance. Studies in this direction are just beginning. . 0. For certain ratios between the frequency of excitatory impulses and voltage supply, there is an effect of the appearance of subharmonics in the response of the coil. This important phenomenon can be used to create high-performance converters and power amplifiers. Structural diagram of such a Converter is shown in figure , where G0 is a graph , but which, in a break with the load, is set by the bandpass filter FT0, the objective of which is to pass only half the frequency. . Thus, if we consider the energy envelope of the output of such a filter , it appears that in the first half-cycle filter load the coil L0 and, accordingly, the power source, and the second half period, on the contrary, a portion of its energy, i.e. is itself a generator. Such a process would be impossible if we applied the classic scheme where the excitation frequency equal to the frequency of the filter with the load. .
. As it seems to the author to improve the parameters of the finished device, as the core of coil L0, it is necessary to use ferromagnetic materials with the best parameters. These are, for example, alloys of permalloy or the more modern metamaterials [4]. . Continued. The compression of the magnetic pulse. These experiments continued the Italian engineer and got fantastic results. Here we are talking about compression of the magnetic pulse, which opens a direct path to free energy. Here's what he says Antonio: Today I checked the possibility of obtaining harmonics of lower order and found a way, using excitation in a pulsed mode. I set the base frequency of the pulses at 0 kHz , and the repetition rate of a pack is set equal to the frequency subhumanity you want to. The number of pulses of the bundle is set to dampen the upper harmonics. The amplitude of the pulse is 0 kHz and 0 kHz has been steadily increasing compared with single pulse excitation. With this technology, it seems that the energy of all the harmonics summed into a single pulse. . . Below are some waveforms from these experiments. Blue beam reflects excitatory pulses, yellow beam — compressed pulse. .
. A more detailed report Antonio is . .  . . .
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