Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
All articles/Experiments
Ferromagnetic diode and its uneven heating
Earlier it was shown the experiment of the unusual behavior of the ferrite and the obtaining of bias currents with it. Further experiments allowed us to detect another property of the ferromagnetic diode, which will allow in the future to produce effective largevalue system. About it will be discussed in the second part of this note.
Ferromagnetic diode in this case is made about as well as before, but the contact plate, which in figure (2a) is displayed in orange, are located at a maximum distance from each other. The author has applied the ferromagnetic diode consisting of 3 rings of external diameter 125 mm, inner 80 mm, total height — 39 mm.
Fig.2. Ferromagnetic diode and its inclusion in the scheme
Diode included in circuit is shown in figure (2b), in which the key SW1 has been taken away. Thus, the frequency of the key was about 46 kHz and the duty cycle — 6%. It should be noted here that the chain, which consists of the diode FR1, voltmeter V1 and smoothing capacitor C1, connected in parallel to inductor L1, which had a low ohmic resistance and an inductance of about 1 mH. Vollmer shows a DC offset: if the supply voltage is 40 V, the voltmeter is of the order of 1 V. If FR1 is to include the resistance of the voltmeter DC voltage showed zero. This once again confirms that the ferrite, under certain conditions, begins to have the properties of the diode.
But in this scheme (Fig. 2b) was discovered by another non-classical effect: the ferromagnetic diode FR1 began to heat up unevenly. The highest temperature occurred under kontaktami of plates and on opposite sides of the plates, there is a strong bias temperatures: on the one hand the temperature was much less, and with another — about the same as under the plates. This imbalance is conventionally shown in (2a), where the temperature is represented by red circles. If ferrite could be separated in the area of the contact plates, the temperature difference, apparently, would be even greater. In the author's experiment with the power supply schemes in 7 W under plates observed temperature is around 51 degrees Celsius, about the same — with one of the sides of the plates, and 31 degrees on the other side. Conventionally, the average temperature was higher than if at the same power evenly heated FR1.
The materials used
  1. Spintronics