Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
All articles/Experiments
Ferromagnetic diode
With the filing and light hand Dmitry S., based on spintronic effects [1], the author has discovered a fairly simple way of obtaining the displacement currents. The branch of physics dealing with the issue, this current is called a current of spin-polarized electrons. In [2] gives the following description and method of generation:

To create spintronic devices requires the presence of its two main components — a source of spin-polarized electrons (i.e., the source generating the electrons predominantly in one direction back) and a receiving system sensitive to the spin polarized electrons (spin detector). Manipulation of the spin of the electrons in the transport process between the source and the detector are realised by means of an external magnetic field or by means of effective fields caused by spin-orbit interactions. The easiest way to generate spin-polarised current is to pass current through a ferromagnetic material. A typical GMR device (a device based on giant magnetoresistance) consists of at least two layers of ferromagnetic material and the separation of conductive non-magnetic layer. In that case, if the vectors of magnetization of the ferromagnetic layers are collinear, the electrical resistance will be minimal (respectively, there will be the greatest power the current flow); in the case of the opposite vector direction of magnetization, the current value will be minimal.

The author has found a simple solution — the use of ferromagnetic ring (FR1) from the connected two conductive electrode (see figure). To achieve the necessary generator generate short unipolar pulses with an amplitude of 10-15V (G1 in the figure). Through the contacts of a ferromagnet it is connected to the capacitor C1 with a capacity of 47-100 UF. The voltage is controlled using the DC voltmeter V1.
Схема подключения ферромагнитного диода, как источника спин-поляризованных электронов
On the generator need to set the pulse duration (duty cycle) of 1-10%, and, the less this parameter is, the better it will be to manifest the effect. The oscillator frequency must be in the range of 300-500kHz and it will need to pick up for maximum effect. When closed contacts of switch SW1, the voltage on the capacitor will be 0.06-0.6 V, depending on the duty cycle. If they are open, then the voltage will rise to several times that just cannot be explained with classical electronics. The effect will be less if in parallel SW1 to put resistance — it is less, the weaker the effect.
Ferrite ring for this experiment should have a permeability of 2000-3000НМ and a diameter of 15-30mm. In two nearby areas it is necessary to clasp a copper wire — this will be a conductive contact (in the figure they are depicted as orange areas). Interestingly, the resistance between these contacts is measured by the ohmmeter, can be 5-6кОм, but apparently, when applying short pulses at the transition, it changes.
In the next part we will look at another non-classical, accidentally discovered by the author, the ferromagnetic property of the diode.