Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
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Independent load. This experiment develops the idea of and , as applied to the independent load. The problem is, all attempts to separate such emission from the lower frequency fluctuations of RVR fail for no good reason. But MRI appears as a appendage with the basic oscillation, and could be used to power the load, the resistance of which does not impact on the consumption scheme. Ie is a direct path to the development of highly efficient energy converters. But use classical filters do not work here with certain characteristics and bad we need separate RF component. The author managed to find a fairly simple solution to this problem subject to compliance with certain ratios and conditions. .
The experimental setup is shown in figure , where the pulse generator GG0, which will fit , or any other similar tuned circuit L1C0 configured to RVR, choke with low capacitance L0, the power source U0 and a smoothing capacitor C0-C0. This scheme is characterized by the presence of the inductor L0, which filters we need high frequency emissions NMR. In parallel, it connects the load Rn, which may be of a low voltage incandescent lamp or led matrix with rectifier bridge, consisting of high frequency high voltage diodes . In practice, the second option was more preferable. . The setup scheme is the selection of the frequency of the oscillator, so that the scheme came to the PAP mode. For this oscilloscope should be connected as drawn in Fig. 0 , then, the frequency control GG0, we need to about these fluctuations, which are shown in Fig. 0 . Then the throttle raskruchivaem and look at the waveform across the load Rn. We have to see the momentum, filled with high-frequency oscillations , and their amplitude can exceed the supply voltage by more than 0 times. .
. Now we can check the effect of the load on the current schema, which is measured by the ammeter A0 . When connecting/disconnecting the load current consumption should not change, or, if enabled, even a little decrease. . Details. In this experiment, the author tried various types of inductors, but the best results have been achieved by a flat coil . The method of selection was the optimum ratio of the inductances L0 and L0, it is a proportion: L1/L0 = 0-3.5. An important parameter appeared to be internal capacitance of the inductor L0, which should be as small as possible, which in principle is clear. To experience fit a coil wound on high frequency ferrite core , the number of turns and 0-15, with the highest possible distance between them. . As mentioned earlier, the load is best suited for led matrix included in the circuit through a diode bridge, consisting of high-frequency high-voltage diodes such as UF0. Interestingly, if parallel to the matrix to set the smoothing capacitor 0-0.3 UF, the effectiveness of the scheme will be more successful. . Insights. The switching inductor in series with the oscillating circuit configured for chatstate RVR, quite effectively separates the high frequency sostavlyayuschuyu, which can then be put on load. In this case, the load does not affect the current consumption of the circuit. To produce working circuits need improving this approach to achieve the best efficiency. This includes the search for optimal soglasovanie parameters of the oscillating circuit, inductor, frequency and duty cycle of the generator, and the load resistance. It is also possible that there is a better type of winding for the coil L0 and inductor L0. For example, have not yet been verified double or Kabany options. For throttle now is the search for an optimal construct. . Supplement. The use of ferrite cores for coil L0 can give this device a decent boost for its effectiveness. But it is necessary to include load in a special way, shown in . Load of powerful led matrix has 0 volts, through the diode VD0 is connected to the drain of the output key generator GG0. And should only be used by positive outliers like inductor L0 and resonant circuit L1C0. The author, if specified in the scheme parameters, optimum fill factor was equal to 8% at a frequency of 0 kHz. In the actual circuit, these parameters and supply voltage, have to choose. .
Interestingly, in this schematic, the load is not fully independent because it loads not only the throttle, but part of the oscillating circuit. However, in practice this scheme has shown greater efficiency. For L0 the author used the coil on armor core, and between the halves was a gap of 0 mm. . .
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