Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
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The effects of low energy consumption in the scheme katscher with a supply voltage of 0.5 .. 0.8 V

The effect was obtained by chance, while conducting experiments with kachera. The latter was powered by two AA batteries at 1.2 V each. When the voltage dropped to 1.2 Volts, the led HL1 ceased to glow, and when it then dropped to 0.8 In kept on fire. In this mode with the glowing led, Kutcher worked as long as the voltage does not fall to 0.45 In! Thus was discovered the first effect — work katscher at ultralow supply voltage.

The second effect occurs when the voltage of 0.54 V, and both switches SA1, SA2 are open. Selection of resistor R1 it is possible to achieve such a regime, when HL1 led will glow, and the consumption will be reduced almost to zero — thousandths of a volt in half an hour. In addition, upon reaching a certain threshold, the LEDs start blinking with a frequency of 1-3 Hz, and consumption is even more reduced. If you close the switch SA1, the same mode appears, but with less voltage, about 0.47 Volt. Generally speaking, the scheme was intended for all other studies, so there is redundancy in the form of switches.

Схема качера со сверхнизким потреблением энергии

Third the effect just begins when the supply voltage reaches 0.52 V, then the LEDs go into strobe mode — blinking with a large duty cycle (the switches SA1, SA2 open). The battery voltage jumps in the range of 0.48-0.52 V. In this mode the device can operate for a very long time.

The experiments were conducted with different types of transistors, from КТ805 to 2SC4793, but described the effects managed to get only 2N2219A (VT1 scheme). I would be glad if readers will repeat this experience and will offer their own versions of transistors. Diodes VD1-VD4 are selected from a number of Schottky with low reverse junction capacitance. HL1 led I have in fact consists of two series-connected GBZ-1W, but can be applied somewhat in the same way the United polutoralitrovyh conventional LEDs, it is desirable to choose them from the SuperBright. TT — Tesla transformer is done as a regular katscher: multiturn secondary winding and multiple turns of the primary.

Such low voltage power supply (B1 in the diagram) the author has received through a strong discharge AA battery 1.2 V (AA). Connection to the scheme "earth", as well as secluded containers to a hot end of the TT, is still not fully investigated. If it is connected, then dropping power supply voltage, and without it it just above. What caused it, and how it affects the efficiency of the whole installation, while it is not clear.

Voltage even lower?

If you convert the diagram, and instead of a battery to supply electric double layer capacitors, it is possible to watch it start at 0.5 and work up to 0.13 Volts! When this illuminates (blinks) the led is fixed and a weak electric field around the TT. By the way, to achieve such low values, the author had to insert a ferrite rod.

Схема качера со сверхнизким напряжением питания
Different thoughts

Before you, dear readers, draw their own conclusions, I want to offer you an excerpt from my correspondence with Vladimir Lukasina. It seems to me, has a direct relationship to these and the previously found effects. In addition, correspondence can give you to interesting and unconventional ideas.

Vladimir: There's a perfectly idiotic idea that thin wire in the base circuit (katscher) will be more effective, although it may be nonsense.

Me: oddly enough, but yet the TT with a thin wire — the most effective.

Vladimir: on a hunch, I thought. The VISCOSITY... I don't know what there really is, it is not connected even with the pure ohmic resistance of EVERYTHING ELSE? because the charge carriers, no matter WHAT, in the conductor interact with some structures, causing a higher or lower conductivity, but this interaction only goes in the direction of transmission of the current... there is no vector (in analogy with the fact that when rowing oar, you can bad removed from the water during the next swing-the boat will slow down the resistance, but the stroke you're using the same resistance, so the boat accelerated...)

I: ... but this viscosity can affect (and velayet) and the rate of flow of charges in any specific point

Vladimir: SO...and the frequency of tens of kilohertz-still there, and the skin effect is already litts may need...

I: But the tide-wave, but the movement of charges is MB. due to the viscosity. Although, if you remember Tesla, he just imagined our world as a very viscous ether, and there are all sorts of molecules and atoms is emptiness.

Vladimir: I once worked with superconductors... well there in the end, the scientific world came to a complete theoretical impasse, when the ordinary muffle ovens without any theory , all of a sudden, all over the world started to sintering of high temperature superconducting pills... although the critical current at first they were small... but it is a matter of further experiments. Immediately began our screaming it's fake!!! And the whole quantum theory of superconductors 1 race was irrelevant... I still at that time thought about this in analogy with the descent of water in the bath — throw in the area of the hole something in a NORMAL descent... well, slowly this crap will come to the hole and it will suck... And now... wait for the regime when the drain a vortex is a vortex!!! And it's SOMETHING slip in the funnel without noticing any resistance. You think that the General mode and SE if there is an analogy with this...

I: And this despite the fact that in the second case, the potential energy of the water layer namogo less than in the first!

Vladimir: I do Not exclude that the transistor can be something similar, though I want to call it plasma...

I: So it is not necessary to drive huge currents and voltages. enough to create a funnel of the second type :)

Vladimir: well, Yes... and examples of such funnels in the nature of full!!! Environment? You need to create and to get into it.