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Tesla transformer as an amplifier of atmospheric signals. To carry out this unusual experiment, you do not need complex devices and circuits. A Tesla transformer, a generator, a power supply and a power circuit on one transistor will be enough. When properly selected, such a transformer is capable of amplifying fluctuations in the surrounding electromagnetic field, which manifests itself in the form of modulation of its carrier with an increase in its amplitude. . This topic is hardly discussed in the literature, although it is used in some free energy devices. Basically, this is lighting of large areas, where fluorescent lamps are used as illuminators. But the range of applications of the effect presented here is, of course, much wider. These experiments will present the effect itself, the circuit and device for obtaining it, as well as oscillograms of the process. . We immediately need to warn our readers that you can get a stable effect while in a modulating electric field , which in our conditions can be an ordinary apartment with electrical wiring. We are constantly in a weak electric field and do not notice it, but, as it turned out, its voltage is sufficient to modulate a Tesla transformer , if certain conditions are created on it. In this case, the modulating frequency will be 0 Hz; it is found as double the network frequency, since both half-waves of the network frequency act as modulators here: negative and positive. . Installation. To carry out the experiment, we will need a setup consisting of a power supply PW0, a signal generator G0, a power unit BD and a Tesla transformer TT. The installation diagram is shown in Figure 0, and the appearance is shown in Photo 0. .
. The power supply can be low-power, with a current of up to 0 milliamps and a voltage of 0-35 volts. You can also take any signal generator, for example , it is important that it can generate sinusoidal oscillations at its output with an amplitude of at least 0 V, in the frequency range 0..1000 kHz. It is necessary that these units have galvanic isolation from the network. This condition is automatically met if they are powered by adapters. . The BD power block consists of a power supply filter capacitor C0, an adjustable input resistance R0-R0 and a power transistor VT0. The transistor must be a pulse transistor, with a maximum reverse voltage of at least 0 V. The transistor of the brand has proven itself to be excellent. It is advisable to install it on a small radiator. . Resistor R0 is variable. At the beginning of the experiment, it must be set to the middle of the range, gradually reducing the resistance value until the optimal result is achieved. Capacitor C0 must be taken with the highest possible value of transmitted reactive power and a voltage of at least 0 V. . The Tesla transformer needs to be given special attention, because... The manifestation of the effect we need depends on it. The general principle of its construction is the largest possible area of its secondary winding: the smaller it is, the weaker the effect will appear. The author used the following TT from previous experiments (). The primary winding is wound at the bottom of the transformer, and has 0 turns of thick copper wire with a diameter of 0-6 mm, and the parameters of its secondary winding can be estimated . The effective capture area of the MEF for a given TT, excluding the area of the inductor, is 0 square meters. It should be noted that on smaller coils the effect is either weak or not at all. . Experiment. For the effect to manifest, it is necessary to correctly select the operating mode of the TT. You need to start by finding the main resonant frequency of this transformer, which must first correspond to calculator, and its field «Grounding capacitance» should be empty, which means the ground is disconnected. On the coil itself, the ground must also be disconnected. We connect the power supply and generator to the power part of our device, and look for the resonant frequency of the TT. Let's remember it. In our case, this frequency turned out to be approximately 0 kHz. . By the way, it is convenient to search for resonance using the appropriate . Resonance can also be observed using an oscilloscope if you place its probe next to the TT, but in no case connect to it. . Now we divide the resulting frequency 0, set this value on the generator, and, adjusting it within small limits, we find another maximum amplitude on the TT, which should be characterized by the same resonant frequency, but already well modulated by the network frequency, Moreover, the envelope itself must exceed the amplitude of the first resonance found. There is no reservation here: the power unit is supplied with half the frequency, and the carrier frequency at the TT must remain the same as the original one. In our case, 0 kHz was supplied to the power unit, while the carrier remained equal to 0 kHz. It is interesting that the signals supplied to the power unit and recorded by the oscilloscope probe near the TT must be sinusoidal. . The oscillograms below show two processes: in Figures 0 and 0 - at a reference frequency of 0 kHz, and in Figures 0 and 0 - at a reference frequency of 0 kHz. As we can see, the signal amplitude in the second case is more than twice as large as in the first. Figure 0 clearly shows the 0 Hz modulation. In this case, the yellow probe of the oscilloscope is located next to the TT, and the blue one is connected to the input of the power unit. The ground is not connected to the lower end of the TT. .
. The author managed to light a fluorescent lamp with a power of several Watts at 0 W of power consumption, although not at its full luminous flux. But at the same time, the lamp was brought at some distance from the TT, part of the power was used to heat the power transistor, and part of it was used to emit radiation from the secondary coil of the TT. Also, by adjusting the setting frequency, the author was able to obtain another type of modulation, example in photo 0. .
. When grounding is connected to the lower end of the TT, the picture changes slightly, a clear modulation of 0 Hz is no longer observed, and the field itself becomes slightly smaller, but the fluorescent lamp glows a little better, and on the oscilloscope you can observe the so-called “fish” . Also, in this case, the resonant frequency of the secondary winding of the TT by 0-20%. . Conclusions. In this work, it was established that an increase in the amplitude of oscillations in a TT occurs not only when a distributed and concentrated resonance is combined, which is , but also when the TT is modulated by an external electric field. In this case, the maximum result of MEF amplification can be obtained at a reference frequency that is two times less than the quarter-resonance frequency of the TT. The result is presented on oscillograms 0 and 0. . Ignitee fluorescent lamp is not the goal of the experiment, and the effect itself can be used much more rationally, for example, by using the current at the grounded end of the TT. Further research in this direction may reveal a more complex effect, consisting in an even greater amplification of atmospheric signals during wave resonance. . Based on the data obtained, it can be assumed that another option for using this phenomenon could be two adjacent TTs, one of which will emit low-frequency waves, and the second - to receive and modulate its carrier frequency with them. This tandem has its drawbacks, but it is quite easy to implement, because The dimensions of the TT in this case do not play a big role. The tandem appears to be used in one of the known operating free energy systems. . The same effect, theoretically, can be applied to amplify weaker electromagnetic fields, for example, from Schumann frequency spectra. It is obvious that for its manifestation in this case, the dimensions of the TT must be orders of magnitude larger than in this experiment, and the experiments themselves were carried out far from the city and power lines. . .
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