Flash PIC controller is just
This note is dedicated to the firmware of the microcontroller (MC) brand PIC. Those hams that have not previously encountered, it may seem that this is a very difficult task. Actually here all is simple. We need a programmer PicKit3, program management, microcontroller, and, actually, the firmware program in the format of hex.
The programmer is better to buy a universal socket (Adapter), as shown in first two photos. This bundle will serve You long and can flash almost any PIC controllers and even external memory. To do this, the programmer and the adapter must be connected as shown in Photo 1 and Photo 2. The controller is installed in the adapter so shown in Photo 3. This picture shows the installation of jumpers J1, J2 and J3 for the 14 pin PIC. The installation of jumpers to MK with a different number of pins can be viewed in [1]. This construction must be connected to the computer via USB connector that comes with the PicKit3.
Photo 1 | Photo 2 | Photo 3 |
Program for management of PicKit3 it is best to take from official website of Microchip — it is easily downloaded and installed on the computer. Its appearance is shown in the photo on the left. All the above steps need to be performed once, after which Your hands will be pretty powerful system for firmware MK. Further actions need to be performed when each new firmware.
First you need to install the controller into the adapter and give the program to identify the type of MK. It is enough to select in the menu Tools - Check Communication. However, this check can every time and not to do — only when. Next, you need to make sure that the voltage of the firmware is installed 5V. This setting is controlled in the window PICkit3 VDD (Target Power), and generally installed automatically.
To start the procedure, you need to choose the firmware file: File - Import Hex, then click Write on the toolbar. This command will start recording our MC, and after its completion will Shine green box above this button. It usually takes a few seconds. All controller stitched and ready to go!
Do not be afraid not to introduce MK to the adapter. In PICkit3 implemented all possible protection and burn the controller will not work :)
The materials used