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Ionization energy
Ionization energy is the amount of energy that an isolated atom in its ground electronic state must absorb to release an electron, resulting in an ion. The closer the electron is to the nucleus, the more difficult it is to tear it off, which means that more energy needs to be transferred. This value is expressed in kJ/mol: the amount of energy required to lose one electron.
Element Title Ionization energy, kJ/mol
H Hydrogen 1312
He Helium 2373
Li Lithium 520
Be Beryllium 899.5
B Bor 801
C Carbon 1086
N Nitrogen 1402
O Oxygen 1314
F Fluorine 1681
Ne Neon 2080.7
Na Sodium 495
Mg Magnesium 738
Al Aluminum 578
Si Silicon 787
P Phosphorus 1012
S Sulfur 1000
Cl Chlorine 1251
Ar Argon 1520.6
K Potassium 418.8
Ca Calcium 590
Sc Scandium 633.1
Ti Titanium 658.8
V Vanadium 650.9
Cr Chrome 652.9
Mn Manganese 717.3
Fe Iron 762.5
Co Cobalt 760.4
Ni Nickel 737.1
Cu Copper 745.5
Zn Zinc 906.4
Ga Gallium 578.8
Ge Germanium 762
As Arsenic 947
Se Selenium 941
Br Brom 1142
Kr Krypton 1350.8
Rb Rubidium 403
Sr Strontium 549
Y Yttrium 600
Zr Zirconium 640.1
Nb Niobium 652.1
Mo Molybdenum 684.3
Tc Technetium 702
Ru Ruthenium 710.2
Rh Rhodium 719.7
Pd Palladium 804.4
Ag Silver 731
Cd Cadmium 867.8
In Indium 558.3 ??
Sn Tin 709
Sb Antimony 834
Te Tellurium 869
I Iodine 1008
Xe Xenon 1170.4
Cs Cesium 375.7
Ba Barium 503
La Lanthanum 538.1
Ce Cerium 534.4
Pr Praseodymium 527
Nd Neodymium 533.1
Pm Promethium 540
Sm Samarium 544.5
Eu Europium 547.1
Gd Gadolinium 593.4
Tb Terbium 565.8
Dy Dysprosium 573
Ho Holmium 581
Er Erbium 589.3
Tm Tulium 596.7
Yb Ytterbium 603.4
Lu Lutetium 523.5
Hf Hafnium 658.5
Ta Tantalum 761
W Tungsten 770
Re Rhenium 760
Os Osmium 840
Ir Iridium 880
Pt Platinum 870
Au Gold 890.1
Hg Mercury 1007.1
Tl Thallium 589.4
Pb Lead 715.6
Bi Bismuth 703
Po Polonium 812.1
At Astatine 890
Rn Radon 1037
Fr France 380
Ra Radium 509.3
Ac Anemones 499
Th Thorium 587
Pa Protactinium 568
U Uranus 597.6
Np Neptunium 604.5
Pu Plutonium 584.7
Am Americium 578
Cm Curium 581
Bk Berkelium 601
Cf California 608
Es Einsteinium 619
Fm Fermi 627
Md Mendelevium 635
No Nobelium 642
Lr Lawrence 470
Rf Rutherfordium 580
Electron Affinity Energy
Also, electrons can attach to an atom. In the process of such attachment, the electron releases energy, which is called the electron affinity energy, for each electron of a particular atom, the affinity energy is numerically equal and opposite in sign to the ionization energy. For example, element Cl: in order to remove the 17th electron from the chlorine atom, it is necessary to inform it of 13 eV. Any other electron that joins in the place of the 17th electron will also release 13 eV.