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Another variant of the control circuit two transformers

This scheme is another option to control two high voltage transformers. Unlike the original it doesn't contain PLL, but has other options, extending the experimental capabilities of the researchers of free energy. This generator also collected four digital and two analogue chips drivers.

The scheme allows to generate the control signals in a wide range of frequencies, to shift the phase of the signal to the second transformer to any fixed value, adjusting the duty cycle or the number of these pulses. In addition, unlike the circuit with PLL, instead of the first TT here it is possible to connect any high voltage and relatively low frequency transformer, for example, TVs.

The following is a list used in the unit circuits, diodes and two modes. In parentheses are possible replacements:

For the oscillator here used the standard scheme of two logical elements, which can as the master circuit to use as an RC-circuit (R1R2C2) and quartz crystal (ZQ1). It is clear that the empowerment scheme, you can make a grid of quartz with a different resonant frequency. In this case, the current switch SA2, which is the number of combinations of frequencies of the grid is increased three times. It should be noted that the circuit can operate up to frequencies of 30 MHz, in this case specifying chain needs to change accordingly.

The DD2 counter divides the frequency oscillator to control the first transformer size. Combinations of groups of switches SA3 are responsible for modifying the phase of the output signal for the second transformer. DD4.1, DD1.3, DD1.4 sinhroniziruete the first and second counters. Using the second counter (in DD3) and a combination of the group of switches SA4 changing the pulse width for the second transformer (output X2). But if the switch SA5 is in the lower position, the output X2 we get a group of pulses with a repetition frequency within the group as the master oscillator. In this case, SA4 regulates their number. Variable resistor R7 is regulated by the duty cycle of the pulse in the pack.


The driver output signal for the TC4420 can be replaced by any similar or TC4429. The General principle that should guide the choice of this driver is as follows: he should have a good slew rate of decline in pulses and soglasovano with TTL-signals at the input. If the driver is inverting, its input is connected to the output 9 DD4.2, if inverted, to the output 8. Driver IR2109 half-bridge is changed to the same IR2104 or IR2108. In this case the 3rd leg of these circuits must be connected to +12V.

One of the applications of this scheme can be parametric method of controlling a transformer.