Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
Bio-frequency → Parasites clonorchis sinensis HC
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Name Parasites clonorchis sinensis HC
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 21259.08, 1058.43
DescriptionClonorchosis is a helminthiasis from the group of trematodes, caused by Clonorchis sinensis, characterized by the development of cholangitis, hepatitis or pancreatitis; occurs when eating contaminated fish.

Distributed in the Far East, occurs in the Lower Amur Region.

The leading pathogenetic mechanisms are toxic and allergic effects of helminths and their metabolites and eggs on the human body, mechanical damage to the biliary system, impaired secretion and motility of the biliary tract, stomach and duodenum, which contributes to the activation of secondary infection, the occurrence of cholangitis, cholelithiasis. In the foci of invasion there is a higher incidence of primary liver cancer than in areas free from this helminthiasis

The early phase of invasion by the clonorchosis in native inhabitants of endemic foci is usually asymptomatic, visitors are noted with malaise, fever, allergic rash, rapid stools of mushy consistency, pain in the liver region; characterized by hypereosinophilia (60-80% or more in severe disease).

In the late phase of the invasion, there are colicky pains in the region of the liver and gallbladder, dyspeptic phenomena, sleep disturbance, headache, often pallor, sub-type of skin and mucous membranes.

In a number of patients, the increase in the liver and gallbladder, and soreness in the pancreas region are determined.

With biochemical methods of investigation, a slight disturbance of liver and pancreas function is revealed; in the hemogram — hypereosinophilia.

Visiting persons have a more severe course and a rapid development of the disease
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