Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
Bio-frequency → Bacillus thuringiensis
The main program
Name Bacillus thuringiensis
Frequencies by Rife, HzOne of the frequencies or sequentially: 520, 2551, 902, 1405
DescriptionПониженная рН кишечника личинок необходима B. thuringiensis для создания благоприятных условий для своего развития и размножения в теле хозяина
InstructionsThe lower pH of the intestine of the larvae is necessary for B. thuringiensis to create favorable conditions for its development and reproduction in the host"s body
Listen to the programThis program can be heard in the bioresonance frequency synthesizer. To do this, just connect the audio equipment or headphones to the audio output of your computer or smartphone
BRT devicesIndividual selection of healing frequencies
Vitamins for health
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