Bio-frequency → Bacillus thuringiensis
The main program | |
Name | Bacillus thuringiensis |
Frequencies by Rife, Hz | One of the frequencies or sequentially: 520, 2551, 902, 1405 |
Description | Пониженная рН кишечника личинок необходима B. thuringiensis для создания благоприятных условий для своего развития и размножения в теле хозяина |
Instructions | The lower pH of the intestine of the larvae is necessary for B. thuringiensis to create favorable conditions for its development and reproduction in the host"s body |
Listen to the program | This program can be heard in the bioresonance frequency synthesizer. To do this, just connect the audio equipment or headphones to the audio output of your computer or smartphone |
BRT devices | Individual selection of healing frequencies |
Vitamins for health |
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