The calculation of the current amplifier the parametric inductance
Schedule IL1 U ChartSWR Graph SWR SW ScheduleL Schedule UG1
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This calculator is designed for calculation of parameters of various circuit solutions of power supply. His calculations are based on combined parametric circuits of the first and second kind and rather accurately reflect the phenomena occurring there. Also, the calculator can be used to study transients in parametric and non-parametric RL-circuits.
In addition to counting basic values: power taken from the oscillator G1, the power obtained at the load Rn and the gain Kη2, the calculator displays 5 graphs: the current through a parametric inductance L1, voltage on SW keyR, the moments of open and closed key SWR, moments public and private key sizeL and a voltage generator G1. You can disable them and connect by clicking on the appropriate ticket under the schedule.

Conventional circuit design generated by the calculator parameters are shown in figures a and b. They are sharing:
- generator G1, which can produce several types of signals: DC voltage, the classical sine and cosine, as well as rectified (half-wave rectified) sine and cosine;
- R loadn representing the resistance;
- key SWR, which has two States: opened and closed. The calculator also takes into account the transition process between these States (tfront), and a non-zero resistance of the key in the open state (RSWR);
- coil L1, the value of inductance which varies parametrically with the second coil L2 and the key sizeL. In the diagram shown, but the calculator takes into account not only the inductance of the coil L1, but the active resistance, which, in some cases, can strongly influence the output parameters;
- key sizeLthat needs to change the value of the inductor L1. The calculator takes into account two States: opened and closed, and the transition process between these States (tfront). Its resistance is not considered, because no real constructive nothing is known about him.
The differences between the two schemes in that the first (Fig. a) is an exact connection of all elements, and the second (Fig. b) simplified. The second may be considered if the following condition: the resistance of open key SWR much smaller than the load resistance Rn. In this case, the key is simply placed parallel to the load.
The important point is that the coil L2 and the key SWL on the scheme — rather conditional. Real circuit solutions is SWL may be not only key, but a threshold element or a spark gap. For the mechanical option, instead of SWL and L2may be applied periodically passing L1 ferromagnetic (magnetic) core. All of these points: the discovery of the threshold element, the breakdown spark gap or passage of the core, in the calculator named time's public key SWL. It is important that during public key value of the inductance L1 was reduced, while the private key back to the original value. In the calculator this ratio is entered in the field "Reducing the inductance when the open SWL".
By the way, to achieve gain greater than unity, it is not necessary to change the value of the inductor L1. The same effect can be achieved at different coefficients for the curve Stoletov (k12-k23). But we'll cover that in a separate note.
The inclusion of the generator G1
The generator can be accessed in two ways: turning on and switching the switch SWR. In the first case, it corresponds exactly to the diagram (Fig. a) and the second generator generates a signal only when the key SWR open. In many cases, the second variant of inclusion gives a higher payoff, but requires a more complex generator. The differences between these options can be seen if you enable the "Schedule UG1" and change the parameter "G1 → Enable generator".
The absolute and relative values
To make data entry easier and more intuitive display, the calculator will apply some relative values. For example, is made to enter time parameters key. Moving the yellow circles at the top of the charts, you can set the duration of the closure of the key and the time the private key in relative units. These parameters are automatically recalculated and displayed in absolute as tfront t andimpuls respectively. By the way, if the key semiconductor, the time tfront should approximately coincide with the corresponding value from the directory (datasheet), and if L is2 and SWL is used in a mechanical change of the inductance, for example by passing core, then as tfront will be time of discharge of the core from L1 by a distance at which its inductance ceases to change. timpuls in this case is the pause time between sets of serdecznie.
Approximately also introduced, and the early phase of the closure of the key, but its value is in degrees.
The time axis
on the main chart are also given in relative units. To convert it to absolute no sense, but, generally speaking, make it pretty easy: if the frequency of the oscillator to 1 kHz, the scale of the axis t
is represented in milliseconds and at a frequency in the 1MHz — in microseconds. If the frequency G1 set 0.001 kHz (1Hz), then the scale will be calibrated in seconds. All the other quantities — current, voltage, inductance and resistance are presented as absolute values.
How to choose the period of the graph
The withdrawal period is also presented in relative units and is selected from considerations of the period-end on the axis
. For example, if the period is clearly visible between the values: 1.2 and 2.2, then you need to enter values equal to: 1.2, 2.2, 3.2, etc. This approach improves the accuracy of the calculation of the actual output power and Kη2. Please note that increasing the period of withdrawal and increases in proportion to time of counting (server response).
The number of pulses per period
This option allows you to change the number of opening and closings of the key for one period of the generator G1. Usually, for parametric circuits optimum value is 2, but for completeness you can choose other values. Please note that selecting this option changes the rise time and the time of the private key.
Efficiency of first and second kind
This calculator allows to find the ratio of the increment of the amplifier , the efficiency of the second kind (Kη2). But in the actual device for calculating the overall coefficient of performance (COP), you need to consider and the usual efficiency of individual units, for example, the efficiency of the master oscillator and the power supply. All of this is the efficiency of the first kind, the total value of which is in the range of 0.4 - 0.9, and that you can enter in the field η1, where default is one. After you enter a value in this field, the overall efficiency will be recalculated to more real, which can now be called a COP for the entire device.
Saving data
This calculator can save the results of calculations in to your account. For this you have to be registered on this website. You can save the result of the calculation, which is here called the word "draft" by clicking on "save to account", and then completely restore the data from the section "My projects".
To output a single query is solved by a rather complicated mathematical problem with application of systems of nonlinear differential and integral equations. Despite the optimization, the connection of multiple processors and a large volume operativnoy memory, its solution in real time takes a few seconds. All this requires a lot of computing power, which, unfortunately, are not free. Therefore, to use this calculator, we introduce a small monthly fee, which I hope will cover the costs of a powerful server.
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