The relationship of solar and terrestrial phenomena found in the ancient Chinese (800g. BC), but only in the 20th century this research took shape as an independent branch of science.
The phenomena connected with the influence of solar corpuscular and electromagnetic radiation in the geomagnetic, atmospheric, climate, weather, biological and other geophysical and geological processes – a subject of special discipline, called solar-terrestrial relationships. Its basic ideas were laid in the early 20th century through the works of prominent Russian scientists K. E. Tsiolkovsky, V. I. Vernadsky and A. L. Chizhevsky, the founder of heliobiology, active researcher of solar activity influence on various phenomena occurring on Earth.
Academician Vernadsky suggested that everything around us is a single organism called biosphere. The sun plays a role as the main source of all geological, biological and chemical processes on the planet. On a scientific basis, he showed the connection between solar cycles and actions of all living organisms.
Since the 1960s, first aboard the spacecraft, and subsequently for space stations Elektron-2, Elektron-4 and Venera-2, was initiated experiments to study long-term solar activity. Since 1990, space experiments of FIAN carried out in the framework of the CORONAS (Complex Orbital Observations of solar Activity) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In March 2010 NASA launched the satellite GOES-15 which is currently the main source of operational information about x-ray flares on the Sun.
Shock waves and emission of solar plasma following outbreaks greatly disturb the Earth's magnetosphere causing magnetic storms. The disturbance of the magnetic field on the Earth's surface affect living organisms, on the condition of the Earth's biosphere. According to the observations of many physicians, during magnetic storms large part of the population of the planet feel a General malaise, some people a headache, unstable blood pressure. Another one that many people are not so much affected by the magnetic storms themselves flash their source.
Below are graphics that in real time shows the total x-ray flux of the Sun derived from the GOES series of satellites. Solar flares they appear as bursts of intensity. All graphics are interactive: click on them, you can select the interval for the detail. Depending on the value reached by the peak flash intensity to her assigned score , the notation Latin letters A, B, C, M or X.
The first graph reflects the direct data from GOES-15 and is updated every 5 minutes automatically (without page reload).
The second graph represents the RMS value of the intensity values of x-ray radiation of the Sun for an hour. Like the previous, this chart is also interactive: with the mouse you can select the interval for the detail.
The following graph represents the root mean square or average integral (period 27 days) value of x-ray intensity of the Sun during the day. This graph can be used to correlate solar and terrestrial phenomena.
the RMS average integral
Time on all charts of Moscow.