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Abnormal heating of the I-diode. The objective of this experiment was to obtain the dependence of the heating temperature on the electric power supplied to it. As a result, completely unusual data were obtained for such a system, if viewed from the point of view of a heating element. Instead of increasing quasi proportionally, the temperature characteristic increases almost quadratically depending on the power and has a certain maximum, where abnormal heat generation is observed. .
. Fig.1. Schematic diagram of the experiment. . Fig.2. I-diode operation diagram.
. The scheme of the experiment is shown in Figure 0. Mains voltage is supplied to inverter PB0 through connectors XS0-XS0. The inverter converts the 0 V AC mains voltage into a DC high voltage, which can be regulated in the range from 0 to 0 kV. An I-diode ID0 is connected to its output, and its aluminum case is connected to the plus, and the metal ruff located inside the diode is connected to the minus of the power supply. This connection is fundamentally important. . The power of the circuit is controlled by a wattmeter, which is included at the input of the circuit and is not shown in the figure. In further graphs and calculations, the power consumption is indicated already taking into account the efficiency of the PB0 inverter. For example, with 0 watts of power consumption, this inverter consumes 0 watts for internal heating of the elements and only 0 watts for the I-diode. .
. Fig.3. Dependence of the temperature of the I-diode on the power supplied to it.
. As a result of observations, we can obtain the following dependence of the ID0 heating temperature on the power supplied to it. This dependence is shown in Figure 0 with a blue line. The orange line reflects the classic dependence of the temperature of the heating element on the power supplied to it. With a power of 0 W and the maximum voltage of the inverter, abnormal heat generation from the I-diode is observed. The heating temperature of the diode in this case reaches 0 degrees Celsius. But if the power supplied to the ID0 is less than 0 W, then the thermal exhaust efficiency will be equal or even less than that of a classic heating element. . Build Installation. The design and assembly of the I-diode is fully described . and the connection of the diode and the inverter unit is shown in photo 0. The inverter uses two extreme terminals: negative and positive wires. The positive one is connected to the aluminum case of the I-diode, and the negative one is connected to its internal terminal. .
. Fig.4. I-diode design. . Fig.5. Experiment setup complete.
. The inverter itself must have a power of at least 0 W and an adjustable voltage - up to 0..25 kV. Not shown in the figure and diagram, but a wattmeter is installed between the inverter and the 0 V network, the readings of which are used to obtain the data of this experiment. . Explanation of energy boost. Probably, the appearance of an energy increase is associated with the effect of a thin insulating film, which is in an aluminum can on its inner surface. Approaching such a film, the oxygen ion only partially gives up its charge to the aluminum plate, but gives up its temperature very well . Apparently, one of the features of this process is related to this: after reaching the maximum temperature, over time it begins to drop slightly, despite the constant input power [1]. This is due to the oversaturation of the near-surface layer with ions and ozone molecules. If the I-diode is disassembled, and then assembled, thereby launching non-ionized air into the process, then the temperature will again begin to rise to its maximum. . Some conclusions. The experiment carried out here showed anomalous heat release at some maximum parameters of the installation. This phenomenon, after revision and elimination of deficiencies, can be used in heating systems. . Of the negative side effects of the device, only one can be distinguished: the formation of ozone inside the I-diode. It also interferes with the achievement of maximum thermal characteristics. This disadvantage can be turned into an advantage if the interior of the diode is constantly blown through, and the resulting gas is passed through water, obtaining an additional 0 kJ/mol of thermal energy [2]. . The inverter used in the experiment did not allow increasing the power for this I-diode design. If these parameters are increased, then, most likely, thereby it is possible to further improve the thermal characteristics of this installation. . Materials used
  1. M. Dmitriev. Nuclear energy and chemistry. "Young technician", 0, No. 0, page 0. Magazine.
  2. B.G. Ershov, P.A. Morozov, A.V. Gordeev, A.F. Seliverstov. Kinetic laws of ozone decomposition in water. Chemistry and technology of water, 0, vol. 0, No. 0
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