Receiving electric charges from the Earth
These experiments are a continuation of a series of experiments with a high voltage capacitor and another probable solution of the electrostatic pump. However, unlike the previous one — there will be involved other equipment and will be based on a completely different principle. In any case, these experiments will show one of the practical uses of the charge and capacity of Land as a supplementary source of energy.
The scheme with which we will work in this experiment, is shown in figure (1). It uses the generator of short pulses (GG1), high voltage pulse transformer THV1, high voltage VD1 diode bridge and a capacitor C1, lamp EL1. The scheme in (Fig. 1a) differs from (Fig. 1b) the presence of the arrester FV1, which will play an important role in this experiment.
![]() Fig.1. Scheme of the experiment for the additional energy from the Earth. |
The operation of the circuit, we will consider excluding the ground that would connect at point Z. the Generator GG1 supplies the transformer THV1 relatively short pulses. Due to nonlinear properties of the ferrite core of the transformer, its secondary winding are formed the same sort of short, but high voltage (5-7 kV) unipolar pulses. They straightened the diode bridge VD1, smoothing capacitor C1 and fed to the led lamp EL1, designed for a voltage of 220V. In the second case (Fig. 1b), between the condenser and the lamp is additionally switched the threshold element, in this case, the discharger FV1.
At first glance, this circuitry is not unusual: the classic flyback Converter increases voltage for normal lamp operation. All it functions till the moment when we connect the ground at the point Z (see Fig. 1a). The light begins to burn brighter, however, and increases the current consumption of the circuit. But if using the variable resistance R1 (or voltage) generator GG1 again to set the same brightness, it would appear that the total power consumption will be slightly less.
Since the energy gain is small, then the topic on this it would be possible to close the topic, if not a threshold element FV1, which was installed in the open circuit lamp (Fig. 1b). Its parameters together with parameters of momentum, fully determines the next effect in which the capacity allocated to the lamp, when connected to ground, and grows to several times! At a threshold value voltage of the arrester at 500V, the author managed to achieve increase of energy in 3-3.5 times. The parameters of high-voltage impulse will be given later, but for now the author would like to draw attention to the fact that the resulting increase depends on two factors: the amplitude and duration of the pulse transformer THV1, and the threshold voltage FV1. As a result of numerous experiments it was established that the higher the amplitude on the secondary winding THV1 and the threshold voltage FV1 and the shorter the pulse from THV1, the greater effect can be obtained.
High voltage pulse transformer
Transformer THV1 should possess a number of unique characteristics for maximum amplitude and minimum duration of the pulse at its secondary winding. For example, the classic high-voltage transformer for line scan from televisions (TVs) are not suitable, because it has too large capacity of the secondary winding, making it almost impossible to obtain a sufficiently short pulses. For this reason, to obtain not even a very short pulse, the generator will expend too much energy. Therefore, the author has designed more lightweight transformer, which has orders of magnitude less capacity and a much better output parameters (for our experiment).
The author made it sleduushii way. You have to join four ferrite ring dimensions 32*16*12 mm and permeability 1500НМ. On the ends to glue plastic lid, making holes in them under the inner diameter of ring (can be a little bit less). These cover, usually, is in the packaging for pills. It is important to observe the least possible clearance between wire and ferrite. It is also necessary to reduce the capacitance of the secondary winding and for insulation from breakdown of high voltage.
Next, you need to wind two turns of copper wire diameter 1-1.5 mm (for mine) and then sealed them with tape. This will be the primary winding of the transformer. Its terminals are connected directly to the generator output GG1, without intermediate connections. The secondary winding is wound with thinner wire. It is important, not its diameter, and good insulation. For example, wire MGTF brand because of this is not appropriate here. Also, it is important to maximally spread apart the primary and secondary windings. After winding the secondary (14-18 turns), it can also be secured with duct tape.
Of course, my readers will be able to come up with a more advanced design such a transformer, with the best parameters. The author will be glad if you send your options THV1.
Please note that the diagram (Fig. 1) one of the conclusions of the secondary winding THV1 marked with "—". To it must be connected to ground. Find this wire very easy — just put the probe of oscilloscope to the terminals of the secondary winding of the transformer, which is connected to a working generator, but the resale of which are free: the negative wire is the one with the oscilloscope will show a negative output. Note: to reach the conclusions of the secondary winding it is impossible, you just need to bring the probe at some distance. The author, at the free end of the secondary winding, this transformer gave a 6 kV pulse with 400 NS.
In addition to the generator and transformer in the circuit (Fig. 1) involved sledujushie details. The diode bridge VD1 should consist of 4 high and bystrodeistviya diode. But if the discharger FV1 will be triggered at a voltage of 500-600V, it can be diode type UF5408, designed for a voltage of 1000V. The capacitor C1 is better suited with a high CVaR, but in a pinch you can install and oil. It is very important that the maximum voltage was not lower than 1.5 kV. The discharger can apply for breakdown voltage 350-750V, than it will be more, the best effect is obtained. On the other hand, the higher the voltage, the more power will be expended to start the generator effect. Lamp EL1 must be led, small power. The best results are thesewho have a few long spirals — the easiest to identify the increase of energy.
Setting the schema
The author used the generator GG1 at frequencies in the range of 30-35 kHz and a pulse duration of 1-2 µs. Voltage to power the circuit U1 (Fig. 1) the author was 55-65 V. But the final adjustment should be made by the experimenter in specific output parameters of the transformer. He values can be very different.
This experiment showed that the usage charge and the capacity of Land as a supplementary source of energy is possible. We can say that to obtain positive results it is necessary to observe two conditions: a relatively short pulse and high amplitude. During the experiments it turned out, some of the details concerning the generator, transformer and the rest of the design. Was extremely important to respect the rules for the installation of microwave devices: as little as possible soedinenii and their lengths, and the complete absence of notches and sharp places in the installation.
As it seems to the author, for even more gain is necessary to develop more high-voltage and high-speed transformers and generators. Also, as a result of experiments Lysanias that the output pulse from THV1 additionally smoothed by a diode bridge and a follow-up scheme, which leads to a decrease of output of additional energy. This circuit problem, the author proposes to you, dear readers. Also, the repetition of experience, the author asks you not to forget that in the scheme there are dangerous voltages, be careful!