The eternal battery to bypass the laws of electrical engineering
In fact, this battery though, and will last for many years, but still subject to the principle: "nothing is eternal under the moon". With their modest energy parameters, it is interesting more in theoretical than in practical terms. However, such a battery can light the led which will burn till the electrodes are dissolved in the water. Yes, as the "electrolyte" is used here ordinary water.
This effect was discovered in the continuation electret-condenser studies. It is the manifestation of the electret properties of the dielectric between two conductors of different materials: copper-aluminum. The effect described here is different in that for the manifestation of such properties does not require any preliminary charge of the system. Of special interest is the presence of a constant current in an open circuit that is poorly explained from the point of view of modern physics and its section — electrical engineering.
Necessary for the manifestation of this effect, the materials were discovered in the ... the Bank from under beer (PB). In Fig.1 shows all the elements this device. Bank itself is made of aluminum (1) coated on both sides with a thin layer of protective material (2), which, among other things, was a good insulator. If you pour the water (4), the resistance between the aluminum layer and water will be more than 10 MW!

Figure 1. The cut of the battery, and its schematic symbol and the scheme of its inclusion
To create the second conductive layer has a sufficient partial contact of the copper conductor with a dielectric material PB. Here, as it turned out, there are two options: randomly fill the PB bare copper wire, or make wire spiral and insert it into the banks (3).
The first option is slightly more efficient but requires higher consumption of copper, so the author stopped at second.

Copper wire with a diameter of 2-2.5 mm spiral is wound so that its outer diameter was equal to the inner diameter of the BOP. The spiral should be inserted with a slight interference fit to reduce the gap between the two metals. Then to the outer surface PB podpisatsja conductor (negative power supply), and inside was filled with water. From its quality will depend on the selected energy parameters of the battery.
The output voltage of the battery is small — of the order of 0.5 V, so the ignition of the led of such batteries need to do at least four. Interesting was the fact that when you increase the number of batteries the current through the led is almost constant, and the voltage is slightly increased. One would assume that this effect occurs because the WAH led, but if you check the short-circuit current, it appears that he also will not change when you increase the number of batteries.
Battery features
During the study it was found that the energy of a battery delivering outstanding performance depends on two main parameters: water temperature and quality. In Fig.2 shows the characteristics of the battery depending on time. Measured short-circuit current. As can be seen from the graph, the current appears only after a circuit of the battery: first, is growing at 30-40% above the average, and after a while stabiliziruemost. This is the main difference of the battery from the usual.

Figure 2. Characteristics of the battery. The X — axis is the short-circuit current (µa) on the Y — axis is time (h)
The orange chart shows a graph with purified water, blue — spring or water from the well. Better water shows the best results.

The dependence of the short circuit current of the battery from a smoke filter water shown on the left. On the X-axis there is delayed values of the temperature (in degrees Celsius), and the Y — axis is the short-circuit current (in µa).
It is seen that the graph has a relatively linear phase and an upper limit associated with fast moving streams of water at high temperature. Thus is revealed yet another effect described here of the battery — the conversion of heat into electric current.
Some additions
To unambiguously verify the manifestation of the effect on the partition between two metals separated by a thin dielectric, several PB was further coated with a thin layer of varnish, and then done all the same operations. It was revealed that the described effect is also observed, but the short-circuit current 30-35% less. Apparently, this is due to a thicker layer so formed of the dielectric.