Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
The calculation of the single layer coil on a 1/4 wave taking into account the capacity of the ground
The height of the winding, mm
Inductance, µh:
The resonant frequency, MHz:
Self-capacitance, pF:
The ratio of the speed of propagation of the wave:
The step of winding, mm
The capacity of the torus, pF:
The capacity of the ball, pF:
The diameter of the winding, mm
The number of turns
Capacity grounding, pF
manually   automatic
External capacity: no    yes
Type:  thor   orb   capacitor
Outer diameter of the torus, mm
The tube diameter of the torus, mm
The capacity of the external
capacitor, pF
Ball diameter, mm
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This calculator is created on the basis of studies of single-layer inductance coils 1/4 of the wavelength. On their basis, made adjustments to the calculation of the inductance and self-capacitance of the coil. It is assumed that its lower part wearing inductor that pulses or a periodic signal (not shown). The calculation algorithm is presented in this work.
The calculator can calculate the parameters for several modes of operation.
1. The external capacity is missing. In this case, the calculator you must enter at least three top option and he in real time will calculate the output parameters.
2. External capacity: tor. Here you need to select the type of external tank — top, and expose its data. It is assumed that the torus is at the maximum voltage and is connected to the upper output of the coil. This is a classical calculation of transformator Tesla.
3. External capacitors: the capacitor. In this case, you need to select the type of external tank capacitor, and to substitute the value of its capacity. It is assumed, the capacitor is connected parallel to the coil pins.
4. The capacity of the ground. This calculator is distinguished by the presence of this important parameter, which must be taken into account when the lower end of the coil is connected to ground. When it is greater than zero, then this capacity is included in the overall calculation. This parameter can be entered manually, or approximately calculated automatically by the calculator (select: automatic).
This calculator assumes that the resonance is searched for only in of a quarter wavelength. To control this mode, you can use fairly simple methods described here.
Separately, we should mention the "coefficient of speed of propagation of the waves." This parameter is, as the ratio of the speed of propagation of waves in the coil to light speed. Under certain conditions it may be more than one.
The winding step. Using this parameter you can calculate the range of possible values for the diameter of the winding wire. Possible — equal step of winding, the minimum half. For example, if this step is equal to 3 mm, the wire diameter can be from 1.5 mm (wound gap) to 3 mm (wound turn to turn).
Saving data
This calculator can save the results of calculations in to your account. For this you have to be registered on this website. You can save the result of the calculation, which is here called the word "draft" by clicking on "save to account", and then completely restore the data from the section "My projects".
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