Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
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Studies inductor 1/8 wavelength
Coil of 1/8 wavelength in the official science would be considered not worthy of attention and consideration, because for all its canons wavelength must be a multiple of 1/4. But in fact, under special conditions created in a coil, it may be of interest to seekers of free energy. Despite the effects we are going to call this phenomenon "resonance" is rather arbitrary, but all the same, we denote them S1/8.
Figure 1.1 shows the circuit of the coil by 1/8 of the wavelength. She is almost indistinguishable from the scheme during the study quarter-wave coil, high quality with one exception: the resonant frequency is less than about two times. Stand ST — from the same place, but the switches SA1, SA2, and SA5 are set in the closed position. This inclusion limits the voltage on the winding L2 to about 4V, which is formed by a chain VD1-HL1-VD3 for one half-cycle, and a chain VD2-HL1-VD4 for the other. Capacity 16 pF, connected in parallel to the secondary winding, increases and stabilizes the desired mode, but all effects could be observed without it.
Включение катушки на 1/8 длины волны
The capacitor C1 (Fig 1.1) are chosen so that a source of sinusoidal voltage VS1 at the 1/8 resonance expend a minimum of energy. In fact, together with the L1 it should form a parallel resonant circuit having a large impedance at the resonant frequency. This capacitor should be paid special attention. Source VS1 to the research figure 1.1 should produce a small voltage — 2..3V.
Look for the S1/8, you can start by finding a quarter-wave resonance, as described here, the capacity of the stand must be set to 16 pF (short-circuit switch SA5). Then, the resulting value should be divided by approximately two, and this value is set as the master frequency source VS1. Deviation frequency — to achieve the exact value, while controlling the brightness of the LEDs on the stand ST — it should be a maximum.
The observed effects
If in case chetvertichnogo or half-wave resonance, we can observe the appreciable electrical and magnetic field around the coil, in this case, no visible fields to capture not possible! In any case, they are orders of magnitude less than would have to be. In other words, the transfer of energy is, and the corresponding electric and magnetic fields — no, this is the main qualitative difference between this resonance. But the regime is destroyed, if is parallel to L2 connect to active resistance; up to megohms resistance will affect the circuit.
How is the transfer of energy: scalar magnetic field, a longitudinal wave, or other types of fields, the author is still unknown. One would assume that of 1/8λ of a quarter-wavelength is obtained due to sine wave, the top of which is cut. But since cut both halves, then even-numbered harmonics in the spectrum should not be, but means that S1/8 to start the process in a quarter-wave in this case will not work.
If you cut only one half of a sine wave, then to quarter-wave process is quite possible. On the stand ST need to unlock for example SA1, and then we will get a brighter led and will again be able to record electric and magnetic field around L2. Moreover, it will be a set of different wavelengths: 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, etc., and 1/4 is the strongest of them. Get a kind of wave soup :)
Another observed effect of S1/8 — quick charging of the capacitor C2 connected in series with the diode VD1 (figure 1.2). This implies that the charging time of the capacitor S1/8 is faster than in the modes 1/4, 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 of the standing wave. Diode should be put high frequency voltage and high voltage, such as UF4007, and the capacitor is non-polar, low leakage current, such as CBB60 series. The source voltage VS1 in this case can be as large as possible.
Energy extraction for such inclusion is shown in figure 1.3, where the key SW1 intermittently connects active load Rn. Maximum efficiency will occur if the key will lock itself to the level of approximately 2/3 of the maximum voltage value, and have a small hysteresis on the trip. Even slightly raise the efficiency of the circuit can be the method of selection of the location of the inductor at L2.
There was also seen the following pattern: the more turns the coil has and the bigger its size is, the better is the last effect. So for example, showed coil 2, a little worse — 3, but coils 1 and 4 did not show any significant results.
Statement of the problem
To increase the efficiency of the second kind for the circuit in figure 1.3 requires the construction of the cavity L2 in which all types of waves — 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, etc. would be as equal as possible conditions and would have minimal losses.
On the basis of one of the observed effects here were developed by medical coil.