Research website of Vyacheslav Gorchilin
The calculation of the dual-frequency series-parallel resonant circuit
The height of the winding, mm
The diameter of the winding, mm
The number of turns
Capacity grounding, pF
The coefficient k (1..20)
The multiplicity of waves in L1
The inductance L1, mH
Capacity L1, pF
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Online calculator allows you to calculate the parameters of the dual-frequency series-parallel resonant circuit. Aglorithm, diagrams, coefficient k and the formula for which is detailed described here.
For calculating first parameters of the coil L1. It is a distributed inductance with its own capacity. Generator VS1 through the inductor Li1 delivers on this coil is sinusoidal in it forming a standing wave. Its multiplicity is specified in the "Frequency of the wave in the L1". On the other hand, VS2 generator, by a transformer formed by coils L2 and Li2, through a matching capacitor C2, supplies a sinusoidal oscillation for the education in this coil, a quarter of a wavelength. All this creates conditions for increasing the efficiency of the second kind in the inductor Lin and the load Rn.
In a real device, the capacitance C2 is a trimmer, and its range is chosen: the lower — division of par value by two, top — multiplied by two. Inductors Li1, Lin Li2 and the transformer, L2 shown here is arbitrary, since may have different implementation. Based on Li1, Lin can vestiti little extra capacity that can be added to the parameter "Capacity ground". Itself this capacitance is a few picofarads and can be determined accurately by the method of two dimensions.
The grounding connection point here is not specified; it can be either on the lower or upper end of the coil L2. For the emergence of the correct modes of standing waves, the ground connection should be mandatory.
The height of the winding must be greater than its diameter!
The frequency of "no grounding" needs to be more frequency "grounding"!